Mandala Essay Draft Revision.


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Presentation transcript:

Mandala Essay Draft Revision

The Basics 7 Paragraphs 5 sentence minimum for each paragraph Intro Body paragraphs for each symbol Conclusion 5 sentence minimum for each paragraph TYPED, Double Spaced, Times New Roman DUE: Wed. Nov. 26 Submit orignal + typed version

Hook the Reader Every essay needs a great lead. Character description Setting description Summary statement

Character Description Your mandala represents YOU so start with yourself EX: “I will sleep with a clear conscience. I will sleep in peace.” These two lines from Sinead O’Connor’s song titled The Emperor’s New Clothes struck a chord in me the first time I heard them as a college student. These words sum up how I want live my life, no matter how much money I acquire, or how much success I attain.

Setting Description Start with a place that reveals YOU. EX: When a guest enters my house, he/she is greeted by chili-pepper red walls that scream “Welcome.” There is no time to wait. All who enter must be ready for the excitement, challenges, or uncertainties that await. I don’t think I can ever paint this hall because that would be like painting over me.

Summary Statement Write a statement about YOU that makes the reader think. EX: I’m the dog stalker. If there’s dog to greet and pet, I’m there. No silly sidewalk gets in my way. That’s just how I am in everything I do. I never let obstacles stand in my way.

Add Imagery Bring your story to life. Add sense details Sight Sound Taste Touch Smell

Add Variety Start each sentence with a different word. Write verb cluster sentences Check that sentences have a mix of lengths. Count the number of words!

Transitions Use transition words to connect each paragraph. EX: First, next, however, in addition, etc.

AVOID “YOU” Autobiography = I Avoid talking to the audience – they don’t talk back. Change all incorrect “you” forms THINK: I, me, my, mine

End with a Bang Leave the reader thinking… Snapshot – leave the reader with a picture Dialogue – leave the reader with famous last words Thoughtshot– Final reflections on yourself.