IIROC “Tips For Traders” Mont Tremblant August 22, 2015
Mike Prior Vice-President, Surveillance Kevin McCoy Acting Vice-President, Market Regulation Policy IIROC Presenters
Surveillance Rulings Dark Anti-Avoidance Un-protected Transparent Marketplaces Topics
IIROC Trade Rulings (per 100M Trades)
Surveillance Rulings
What is the better approach to an erroneous trade? A.No rulings – trade remains on tape and dealer must settle trade B.Erroneous trades beyond a tolerable threshold are cancelled from public record but dealers are required to settle C.US Approach – erroneous trades beyond a tolerable threshold are cancelled D.Current IIROC approach – erroneous trades beyond a tolerable threshold are price adjusted
SSCB Rulings
How should IIROC deal with unreasonable trades that occur after an SSCB is triggered but prior to the halt? A.No ruling – all trades stand regardless of price B.Trades beyond tolerable threshold are cancelled regardless of price movement following resumption (status quo) C.Trades beyond tolerable threshold are price adjusted regardless of price movement following resumption D.Wait until trading resumes then cancel if price has reverted; no ruling if price continues to move in the same direction
Intended to further the policy objective of pre-trade transparency supported by the Order Exposure Rule and to achieve consistency in the application of the requirement to obtain a “better price” under the Canadian dark liquidity framework Re-Publication was intended to foster public debate regarding the best approach to balance the effects that an increase in order routing away from Canadian markets would have on the health of our markets as a whole IIROC Dark Rule Anti-Avoidance
IIROC hosted a roundtable to discuss alternatives to the dark rules anti-avoidance provisions and solutions respecting routing of retail orders to U.S Dealers 8 proposals were presented A summary of the roundtable discussions will be included in future IIROC policy publications on this topic IIROC Dark Rule Anti-Avoidance
What do you think would be the more effective solution in dealing with the threat of increased southbound order flow? A.Eliminate or reduce maker/taker fees B.Let marketplaces develop solutions C.Re-evaluate or repeal dark rules D.Enhance best execution requirements E.No solution needed – there is no problem
What would be the greatest negative impact if the Dark Rules Anti-Avoidance Proposal were to be implemented? A.Not able to achieve best execution for clients B.Technology build to comply with Proposal C.Discourage northbound order flow D.No material negative impact
In your opinion, how material of an impact does southbound routing of retail flow have on the Canadian market? A.Significant impact B.Moderate impact C.Small impact D.No impact
Will accommodate the terms and conditions of the OSC approval of amendments to Alpha Exchange Inc.'s trading policies Align with proposed amendments by the CSA to CP regarding the interpretation of “protected order” Un-Protected Transparent Marketplace
Revise the definition of “protected marketplace” “Best bid price” and “best ask price” Best execution considerations Client-principal trading considerations o “Best Available Price” Un-Protected Transparent Marketplaces
If the proposed changes related to unprotected transparent marketplaces and OPR are approved, what will be your firm’s approach in implementing these changes? A.Will disconnect immediately from unprotected marketplaces B.Will remain connected to unprotected marketplaces and make no revisions to routing tables C.Will remain connected to unprotected marketplaces but lower their priority in the routing table
What do you believe would be the more significant challenge associated with protected and unprotected lit marketplaces? A.Dual quotes to consider (protected NBBO and consolidated NBBO) B.On-going monitoring of un- protected marketplaces for compliance with Best-Execution C.Managing client-principal trading compliance (UMIR 8.1)
As a result of the NYSE system outage on July 8, 2015, regulators are looking at ways to respond should a similar incident occur in Canada While NYSE market share is now less than 25%, the TSX retains about 60% of market share by volume Is price discovery efficient when the TMX is off line? Is it fair to continue trading while 60% of investors orders are captive in an inaccessible market? Is it feasible to move orders from a disabled market to other marketplaces? Preamble to bonus question eight
If a major marketplace shuts down as a result of technical problems, what is the more reasonable regulatory response? A.Do nothing. All remaining marketplaces continue to trade. Captive orders are not protected and increased volatility is tolerated. B.All remaining marketplaces continue to trade. Unreasonable trades that result from reduced liquidity are subject to IIROC rulings. C.Halt trading on remaining marketplaces for the remainder of the day (or duration of the interruption). Trading on interlisted securities can continue on US markets.