Access Alliance Programme – An Introduction Forum No. 1 Markham Vale 19 March 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Access Alliance Programme – An Introduction Forum No. 1 Markham Vale 19 March 2009

The Challenge

Background 2-Year Initial Programme 2-Year Extension to Nov Funded by Alliance SSP Develop Sustainable Transport Schemes Assist people in North Notts & North Derbyshire to access jobs and services Aimed in particular at young people and those without access to private transport Complementary with LTA Accessibility Strategies

AAP Actions Assessing Need Consultation Capacity Building Mentoring & Advice Service Dissemination / Knowledge Transfer Letting of Projects Monitoring and Evaluation Ensuring viability

AAP1 Projects Funded: Overview 26 projects funded Range of projects: – Big bus – CT – Information – Training – Greenways – Minibuses – W2W – Studies

Projects Funded: Examples Moving Forward Bus Bassetlaw Share a Ride Multimedia Transport Independent Travel Training CAST NEET & Pre-NEET Support Portland / North Notts College Minibuses

Moving Forward Bus

Bassetlaw Share a Ride

Multimedia Transport

Independent Travel Training

CAST NEET & Pre-NEET Support

College Minibuses

Economic Outputs A series of economic outputs – Job creation / retention (12) (17) – People assisted to access jobs (200) (247) – Skills development (100) (596) – Business assistance (16) (67) – Sustainable transport scheme development  (minimum of 20 schemes) (26) – Matched funding levered (125K) (380K)

Other Benefits Social inclusion Economic inclusion Environmental Capacity building Refocusing of CVS Mainstreaming Partnership working Cross-boundary working

Stakeholder Views Delivering access to employment & training Importance of the capacity building and training programme Partnership working Projects which would not have happened Projects considerably enhanced Projects brought forward / prioritised

External Evaluation Likely to meet / exceed all outputs Delivering social and environmental benefits Importance of the monitoring process Well received by stakeholders Continuation funding desired “clear target- oriented application process leads to projects with high degree of confidence of delivering economic benefits”

AAP Phase 2: Target Groups Residents of the Alliance area Those without access to private transport year olds NEETs Lone parents Over 45 returners to work Long term unemployed Incapacity Benefit claimants Job Centre Plus clients People with mobility / learning difficulties Other hard to reach groups

AAP Phase 2 Extend / expand work areas from Phase 1 Extend Phase 1 geographically Build upon AATS Study New investment options Ensuring viability of schemes Knowledge Transfer

Suggested Future Projects Pool cars Shift-time taxi bus Workwise website Bus service enhancements Taxi-bus subsidised service replacement Transport studies / business cases Cycle lockers & showers etc Mobile Jobcentre Plus Community Transport services / enhancements

Suggested Future Themes CT capacity building Training Minibus purchase Business park / employment site transport initiatives Greenways Greater linkage with business community

Suggested Future Locations Manton Ashfield Dronfield Eckington Killamarsh

AAP Future Vision Business Community engagement Community engagement Outreach & upskilling Local service champions Growth Zones linkage Synergy e.g. Making the Connection Replication Viability Knowledge Transfer

AAP2 How to Apply for Funding Delegated Grant Fund Priority Projects Funding Rounds Call for tenders Application Forms Guidance Notes

AAP2 How to get Advice outline project ideas for comment download forms and guidelines ensure you meet all criteria ensure you can deliver and evidence outputs ensure you can monitor and evaluate project

Summary Partnership working Replication Upskilling Viability Promoting inclusion Raising productivity Opportunities for North Notts & North Derbyshire