In class essay: Using the selections we have read so far, write a five paragraph (3- 4 page) essay about what it means to be human and live one’s life according to three of these ancient writings. Identify three pieces (author, title, characters, citations, etc.) that offer wisdom that can still be applied today. Explain the wisdom and how it can be applied. Use MLA format as you write, and this is homework if not completed in class.
MLA Format Maxson 1 Liz Maxson ENG 12 Maxson 09/12/14 Title of Paper (Do not put the assignment!) Your paper should look like this. It should use Times New Roman font that is 12 points, be double- spaced, and include a heading, title, and page numbers. Your paragraphs should go in order (Introduction, Body paragraph 1, Body paragraph 2, Body paragraph 3, and Conclusion). You need to use a citation (direct or indirect) from each piece you discuss and your Works Cited page must include all necessary information.
Direct Citations Direct citations use quotation marks and the exact words from a text: The Egyptian people held a similar belief. They felt they needed to be grateful to a higher entity: “Hail to thee, O my Divine Father Osiris,” (Kaster 52).
Indirect Citations Indirect citations refer to larger portions of text or an entire work. No quotation marks are needed: In the Bible, “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” teaches men to look beyond the normal ideas of right and wrong and see forgiveness and joy before hatred and injustice.
MLA Format (continued) Works Cited Kaster, Joseph. Trans. “from the Book of the Dead.” The Language of Literature: World Literature. Ed. Arthur Applebee. Evanston, Ill.: McDougal Littlell, “The Parable of the Prodigal Son.” The Language of Literature: World Literature. Ed. Arthur Applebee. Evanston, Ill.: McDougal Littlell, Sandars, N.K. Trans. “from The Epic of Gilgamesh.”The Language of Literature: World Literature. Ed. Arthur Applebee. Evanston, Ill.: McDougal Littlell,