UNITED NATIONS Founded in 1945 to promote international cooperation 51 member states – now 193 Headquarters in New York, Vienna, Geneva, Nairobi Five active organs or sections General Assembly Security Council Economic and Social Council Secretariat (Civil Service) International Court of Justice
UNITED NATIONS Led by Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General UN Women created in 2010 Led by Phumzile Mlambo-Nguka Main Issues Elimination of Discrimination against women and girls Empowerment of Women Achievement of Equality between women and men
ECONOMIC & SOCIAL COUNCIL Established in 1946 to deal with economic and social challenges as a UN Charter body Responsible for 14 specialized agencies, 9 functional and 6 regional commissions Regular meetings with academics, business sector, and 3,200+ non-governmental organizations (CFUW and IFUW) 54 members elected by the General Assembly
Commission on Status of Women 45 Member States form Commission elected by ECOSOC Meets in March in NY for two weeks more than 6,000 registered representatives Annual Theme, Review theme Side events, parallel sessions, films Official UN presentations, debates and proceedings Agreed Conclusions
CFUW at the UN CSW Applied and accredited in 1998 with “special consultative status” at ECOSOC CFUW Representative - VP International Delegation of CFUW members & others Learn, listen, network, influence government Present parallel sessions Prostitution, Non-State Actor Torture, Primary Education in Afghanistan
Other Opportunitiesfor CFUW Follow-up to UN – Domestic Advocacy Shadow Reports, Letters and Briefs to Government Working in Partnerships with Other NGOs Presenting at other UN Bodies such as the Human Rights Council in Geneva