Information on the upcoming WPLA events Amie Figueiredo Associate Economic Affairs Officer Vienna 16 October 2014
WPLA Workshop: Benchmarking of Land Administration Systems and Implementation of Land Governance Assessment Frameworks (LGAF) in the UNECE region, 28 November 2015, Baku Theme: Benchmarking of Land Administration Systems and Implementation of Land Governance Assessment Frameworks (LGAF) in the UNECE region. Organizers: UNECE, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Bank and the State Committee on Property Issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan Workshop objectives: To present the study on the Survey on Land Administration Systems in the ECE Region. This study provides an analysis of national land administration systems services, data security, practices on recovering data in the event of a disaster and other aspects of land administration. Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) for the achievement of improved Land Governance and as a tool for facilitating Voluntary Guidelines implementation. For more information:
Middle East Geospatial World Forum 2015, 15–17 February 2015, Dubai Theme: Land Management for Smarter Cities Organizers: UNECE HLM, Geospatial Media and Communications and Dubai Real Estate Institute Programme Objectives: Improving land management in smarter cities development Link professionals and experts from land management, city management, smart cities initiatives with technology providers from around the globe Understand and learn from model case studies on developing smarter solutions for managing land as an economic resource, smart city initiatives and real estate management Collaborate to enhance the work of each stakeholder by sharing knowledge Programme Overview: The one-day programme will be divided into four sessions: Session 1: Smart Cities & land information – A missing link? Session 2: Smart Cities in transition countries – An opportunity or a burden Session 3: Smart Cities – Those who achieved it Session 4: Panel discussion: Smarter Cities – The Road Ahead For more information:
9 th Session of the Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA) 9th Session of the Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA) – February 2015, Geneva WPLA Workshop – 25 February 2015, Geneva
Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2015 Linking Land Tenure and Use for Shared Prosperity – March 23-27, 2015, Washington, DC
INSPIRE – Geospatial World Forum 2015, 25 – 29 May 2015, Lisbon Theme: CONVERGENCE: Policies + Practices + Processes via Public Private Partnerships UNECE WPLA & CHLM workshop: Format: one day workshop Objective: to debate strategic issues relevant to the future work programmes of the Committee and WPLA Speakers: representatives of the UNECE countries’ governments, academia, municipalities and private sector Possible title: Government and private sector cooperation in promoting smart urban solution More information on the forum:
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events management/meetings-and-events.html WPLA Secretariat Contact: