Working Group on Environmental Expenditure Statistics Luxembourg, March 2015 EGSS data production and dissemination (point 3.1 of the agenda) Eurostat – Unit E2 Anda Marina GEORGESCU
Eurostat Overview Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2014 Further actions for 2015 in the area Questions Amendment R.691/ data collection, workshop and trainings Activities in other Commission services EU aggregates estimation 2
Eurostat Progress made since the WG 2014 Amendment to Regulation 691/2011 entered into force on 16 June 2014: Environmental goods and services sector included 2017 first data transmission including EGSS data for reference years 2014 and second data transmission including EGSS data for reference years 2014, 2015 and third data transmission including EGSS data for reference years 2015, 2016 and 2017 Etc. 3
Eurostat Progress made since the WG EGSS data collection: Launched on 4 June 2014 to EU, EFTA and candidate countries; deadline 15 December Lower response rate than 2013: BG, DE, EL, LU, LT, NL, AT, PT, RO, FI, SE and FR expected soon Timely data from 7 countries; delay of max 1.5 months for the rest EGSS data from all data collections – cover 20 countries Other countries working or just finished working on EGSS via grants: BE, CZ, DK, EE, HR, IT, LV, HU, PL, SI, UK and NO 4
Eurostat Progress made since the WG 2014 Coverage by variables (output, gross value added, employment and exports) for the 20 available countries 12 countries cover all variables 3 countries - no data on value added and exports 2 countries – no data on value added 3 countries – no data on exports Coverage by environmental domain: CEPA – most of the countries (wastewater management, waste management and protection of soil and ground water) CReMA – few (renewable energy and water management); overall coverage low 5
Eurostat Progress made since the WG EGSS data collection -data validation and publication: Consistency and plausibility checks Questions sent progressively to countries; some cases of revised figures Data will be published soon in Eurobase EGSS Technical Workshop: Measuring Progress on “Greening” the Economy: Policies and Practices May 2014 in Geneva ESTP 2014 course on EGSS October in Vienna 6
Eurostat Progress made since the WG 2014 EU estimate: Updated for reference year 2012 Improved gap-filling methods (e.g. for renewable energy) Procedures, data sources and refinement methods available in the EGSS practical guideEGSS practical guide 7
Eurostat Trends in environmental protection and resource management output for EU28, bill. euros 8 Source: Eurostat (env_ac_egss2)
Eurostat Trends in EGSS output as % in GDP in EU countries, CZ, FI only market activities for total environmental domains MT only environmental protection IT includes only waste, wastewater and water management DE, LU, PT, SE only market activities CZ, IT, LV 2009 data; ES 2008 data, PL 2007 data and BE 2004 data EL includes only a few industries
Eurostat Progress made since the WG 2014 Activities related to EGSS: “Green Goods Initiative” by DG TRADE and the WTO - negotiations to liberalise trade in environmental goods UNEP Green Economy Initiative - development of appropriate indicators to reflect green goals and inspire actions EGSS technical workshop “Measuring progress on the ‘Greening’ of the Economy: Policies and Practices” – Geneva, May 2014: take stock of recent experiences working Paper “Measuring Environmental Goods and Services Sector: Issues and Challenges” prepared“Measuring Environmental Goods and Services Sector: Issues and Challenges” 10
Eurostat Progress made since the WG 2014 Activities related to EGSS: Communication “Green Employment Initiative: Tapping into the job creation potential of the green economy. (COM (2014) 446 final): mentions EGSS data collection as one of the main reliable sources of information Members States are “invited to minimize transitional periods in implementing the module for EGSS accounts and time needed for transmission of data” Semester reports 11
Eurostat Progress made since the WG 2014 Activities in DG Environment: Euro barometer survey ‘Attitudes of European citizens towards the environment’ (September 2014) Eco-innovation Observatory (EIO) and Eco-innovation Action Plan (EcoAP) Activities in DG Employment: ‘Promoting green jobs throughout the crisis’ (2013) – a handbook of best practices in Europe (2013) Activities in ex-DG Enterprise (DG Growth): study on the competitiveness of the EU Renewable Energy Industry (EU REI), July 2014study 12
Eurostat Further actions for 2015 in the area Update Statistics Explained article Regularly update and revise the EU28 data ESTP - EGSS course ESTP 2015 course on EGSS - planned for 1-3 June in Vienna Deadline for applications - 27 March 2015 Work on an update of the EGSS handbook – ongoing 2015 data collection: Launch in June 2015 Deadline mid-December
Eurostat Questions for the Working Group Comment on progress made Express opinion on activities for