GraphologyGraphology Malia Bender Debunking Pseudoscience
What is graphology & whose brilliant idea was it? The study of handwriting Goal - to determine characteristics of the writer 1800’s - Jean-Hippolyte Michon & The Society of Graphology
Graphologists claim Personality traits Personality traits Success in career Success in career Compatibility Compatibility Health issues Health issues Moral issues Moral issues (Graphotherepeutics) (Graphotherepeutics)
What they’re looking for Size Slant Width Zones Regularity Margin Pressure Stroke Lines Connection Form of connection Word and line spacing
Examples of traits Analytical thinking Blunt Broad-minded Concentration Cultural refinement Emotional Intesity
Forgetfulness Humor Rebellious Vanity
How much does it cost? ml -- $ write about recent activity ml ml -- $55 -- write a full page on anything of interest
They have schools for this?? The Society of Graphology The Society of Graphology The Gestalt School The Gestalt School Books Books Self- accredited correspondence schools or unaccredited night school classes Self- accredited correspondence schools or unaccredited night school classes Make up your own system Make up your own system
What the graphologists say... Handwriting is brainwriting Writing is individualized, and personality is unique so each must reflect each other Writing is a form of expressive movement so it should reflect our personality The police and courts use graphology so it must be valid Hard-nosed personnel managers swear by graphologists’ usefulness in selecting employees It works
People believe this stuff? The Barnum Effect The Barnum Effect Positive Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement
It’s all pseudoscience ► Unfalsifiable hypotheses ► After-the-fact readings ► Numerous controlled scientific experiments ► Inconsistency between graphologists