Know your Contractual Rights By The United School Employees of Pasco
What we will cover: Personal Leave Union Representation Substituting Planning Time/Duty Free Lunch & Breaks Discipline Referrals After School Activities & Staff Development
Paid Leaves - Personal Leave Instructional Master Contract Article VIII, Section B Up to (6) days of personal leave at full compensation during each year. Such leave will not be cumulative and shall be deducted from accrued sick leave when used. Such leave shall not be used for recreational purposes. Teachers shall not be required to give reasons on leave forms.
Union Representation Instructional Master Contract Any teacher required to attend a meeting called by the administration for the purpose of a reprimand which will become part of the teacher’s record or for action leading to suspension or for an investigatory interview shall have the right of Union representation at such a meeting. If during a meeting as described above, the teacher believes that the discussion could lead to disciplinary action, the teacher may ask that the meeting be delayed or rescheduled until Union representation can be provided. This section shall not be interpreted to apply to conferences relating to observation or evaluation of instruction.
Instructional Substituting As an Instructional employee, substituting is VOLUNTARY. This means no coercive means to get you to substitute may be employed.
Instructional Planning Time Article VII, Sec.S,12 Planning time for teachers shall be defined as that time in which teachers may be assigned to do one or more of the following: Planning time for teachers shall be defined as that time in which teachers may be assigned to do one or more of the following: a) Plan for classroom activities. a) Plan for classroom activities. b) Confer with parents. b) Confer with parents. c) Meet with grade-level or subject area team members on matters related to curriculum and student progress. c) Meet with grade-level or subject area team members on matters related to curriculum and student progress. d) Attend and participate in staffings. d) Attend and participate in staffings. e) Complete Southern Association Accreditation activities. e) Complete Southern Association Accreditation activities. f) Attend administrative meetings related to their performance and/or student concerns. f) Attend administrative meetings related to their performance and/or student concerns.
Instructional Planning Time Part II Article VII, Section S, Planning Days Required staff development or lengthy faculty meetings shall be kept to a minimum. During the (5) days of Pre-Planning, teachers shall be provided at least (16) hours to plan for personal classroom activities. This time will be scheduled in at least (2) hour blocks. The 16 hours may be reduced for the following reasons: Emergencies, including implementing State or Federal Mandates. Voluntary participation in professional activities, or Personal activities.
Student Discipline Referrals Both Instructional and SRP employees can write referrals on students.
Instructional Referrals Article VII, Section U At the discretion of the teacher, he/she may retain a copy of the form. Upon referral by the teacher, serious disturbance behavioral problems are the principal's responsibility for appropriate disciplinary action. Final action shall be taken within five (5) days unless there are extenuating circumstances. A copy of the discipline form with principal's action noted shall be returned to the teacher as soon as possible, but not more than five (5) days from the date of the referral.
Instructional Breaks, Overtime and After School Activities The normal workday for Instructional personnel shall be 7 ½ hours a day, including lunch. The lunch period shall be duty free. Instructional personnel may volunteer to work during their lunch and after hours, but they cannot be required to do so. No teacher will be required to work over 4 hours without a relief period. 24 hours notice should be provided before requiring attendance at all meetings, except in cases of emergencies (but that does not mean the meetings can occur before or after the workday).
Instructional Staff Development Staff development trainings shall be voluntary except when: Required to implement additional programs, or goals established by the Board, the legislature, or Federal Grants. Required staff development shall be reasonable in nature, duration and scope. Such required staff development shall be relevant and be in compliance with Florida’s Professional Development Protocol standards.
Questions and Answers Please work together at your tables and Good Luck!
What about Instructional in-services? Do I have to attend them? If you are told that an in-service is mandatory and it is offered during the work day, you must attend (A recent example of this would be LFS trainings). If the in-service is after hours or during the summer, there may or may not be a stipend offered. You do not have to attend in-services after the work day or during the summer.
My supervisor has called me into his office, what do I do? Instructional and SRP. First, relax and take a deep breath. If you think your conduct is being questioned, or if you believe disciplinary action could happen, you should first speak with your supervisor and ask what is the meeting about. Second, clearly tell your supervisor that you want union representation. Then immediately contact your building rep or the USEP office.