Accommodation & Hospitality Services East Team A Staff meeting January/ Feburary
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Agenda Smoking Pension Time keeping Lunch Brecks Annual leave over the summer period Hotspots Communication Environmental Awareness Vacant Positions AOB
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Smoking To bring us in line with the other Housekeeping offices I would like to make a change to the smoking breaks. The other offices allow a smoking break at 11am and 3pm, these are quick breaks used for this purpose and should only be taken in the designated smoking area of which we have two. 1.Marlborough Court on the path way 2.Woodland Court the path way in between C block E/D Block next to the smoking bin Please remember that the university is a now mostly a Non-smoking campus. This will be reviewed at a later date and may be subject to change.
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Pension If you are not in the University Pension Scheme you would of received a letter in the last week informing you of changes. Does any one have a questions?
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Time Keeping It is becoming far too common for people to be finishing early for lunch and/or the end of the day. You all must be signing you keys and handing your work sheets still in uniform at your finishing time please. Also some people have been seen smoking before there lunch time if you wish to smoke before lunch then this must be done at or depending on your lunch timing. Location of breaks, Breaks should be taken in the staff area provided located in Marlborough court housekeeping office or, if you prefer not to use the facilities and go somewhere else you must sign your self out and hand your keys in, signing back in and collecting keys on your return. Breaks should not be taken in cupboards, kitchens or empty bedrooms.
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Annual leave Information from Felicity reminds us all that no more then 12 days may be taken over the summer period 1 st June to 30 th September Flights/holidays should not be booked prior to getting annual leave authorised in writing by the line manager as requests may be refused on the grounds of operational requirements. Staff should put in writing any exceptional requests for annual leave no later than January 31st, Any leave of 5 days or more should be requested by the 1st April that applies to the summer period.
Accommodation & Hospitality Services
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Environmental Awareness Disposal of Dirty Water Policy You should all know this already, but just a reminder of the dirty water disposal in Marlborough, Solsbury and Woodland Court. Water should only be disposed of down the cleaning cupboard sinks and no where else. Recycling bins in Staff area You are all aware that we have the full range of recycling bins in the staff area can I remind all staff to use the correct bins and to ensure you are sorting your rubbish accordingly Reg- Fuse Winners The first term winning kitchen has been announced – S/M/W The kitchen group wins a selection of vouchers for pizza.
Accommodation & Hospitality Services We are still looking at the vacant positions and theses are in the process of being filled. Vacant Positions
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Change Briefing
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Toolbox Topic Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Accommodation & Hospitality Services AOB