MLAC DIVERSITY COALITION Year in Review Presented by Joyce Allen-Beckford Director Andy Garcia Associated Director November, 2007
Diversity Coalition Let’s Get REAL About Diversity Workshop Summary leverage (your power to create change) analyze (the subject) engage (your heart and mind) realize (the challenge)
RegionDayDateTimeLocation NortheastTuesdaySeptember 1810:00 to 3:00Lynn NortheastThursdaySeptember 20 1:00 to 5:00Lowell SoutheastTuesdaySeptember 2510:00 to 3:00Taunton SoutheastWednesdaySeptember 26 1:00 to 5:00Taunton Central/WestTuesdayOctober 210:00 to 3:00Worcester Central/WestFridayOctober 510:00 to 3:00Holyoke Central/WestThursdayOctober 1110:00 to 3:00Springfield EasternThursdayOctober 18 1:00 to 5:00Framingham EasternMondayOctober 2210:00 to 3:00Boston EasternWednesdayOctober 24 1:00 to 5:00Boston EasternFridayOctober 2610:00 to 3:00Boston Schedule of Trainings Fall 2007
Workshop Participants Total staff in Massachusetts Legal Services: 500 (estimate) Total participants registered to attend trainings: 293* Total participants in attendance at trainings: 254 Evaluations received: 241 *An unknown number was turned away when several trainings reached capacity.
Evaluations by Location Lynn: 14 responses (6%) Lowell: 24 responses (10%) Taunton: 40 responses (17%) Worcester: 30 responses (12%) Holyoke: 19 responses (8%) Springfield: 15 responses (6%) Framingham: 22 responses (9%) Boston: 77 responses (32%)
How beneficial was the workshop? 1: Not beneficial: 0.4% 2: Somewhat beneficial: 4.4% 3: Beneficial: 23.3% 4: Very beneficial: 41.6% 5: Exceptional: 26.1%
Feedback on the Workshop Suggestions for Improvement: Workshop was too short to fully develop the issues, did not leave enough time to amplify and resolve discussion topics. Many participants wanted to go more in depth. More discussion, smaller groups, more interactive conversation to allow attendees to engage one other. More targeted to legal services, clients, application to work with agencies and institutions. More conversation about problem before getting into solutions, define terms. Would like a tighter focus, go beyond the “basics.”
Feedback on the Workshop Strengths: Eye-opening, personally involving and interactive. Provides a good foundation for continuing work. Very well-organized and well-planned. The hand-outs were well-written and thought out, with lots of information to spend more time with. Good to distinguish concepts like sex vs. gender, black vs. African American.
How effective was the facilitation? 1: Not effective: 0.4% 2: Somewhat effective: 3.7% 3: Effective: 13.9% 4: Very effective: 35.5% 5: Exceptional: 36.4%
Feedback on Facilitation Suggestions for Improvement: A few participants felt there were “right” and “wrong” answers, that there was not enough acknowledgment of gray area; speakers sometimes seemed critical of participant opinions, made assumptions. Difficult to hear speaker/s (especially the acoustics at Boston 10/26 workshop).
Feedback on Facilitation Strengths: Worked well together, good at engaging audience, especially through sharing of own experiences – set the tone. Made participants feel comfortable but also provoked thought about uncomfortable issues. Professional, knowledgeable, organized, kept things on track.
Has this training made you more conscious of how you interact with others? No: 10% Yes: 90%
Impact of the “Let’s Get REAL” Diversity Workshop in Relation to Its Goals Goal 1: Realize the challenge diversity presents in Mass. Legal Services and recognize the need to address issues of racism, classism, ageism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, anti-Semitism. Impact: Participants said they would be more mindful of where people are coming from in terms of diverse backgrounds, more aware of what they say (language, words to use). Participants reported renewed energy to push diversity issues, greater awareness of work to be done.
Impact of the “Let’s Get REAL” Diversity Workshop in Relation to Its Goals Goal 2: Engage their hearts and intellects to develop a broader, more inclusive understanding of diversity through education and sharing of personal experiences. Impact: Participants said they would be more willing to listen to others without judging, would assume good intentions. Participants reported greater sensitivity, open- mindedness to possibly unseen differences and their importance.
Impact of the “Let’s Get REAL” Diversity Workshop in Relation to Its Goals Goal 3: Analyze their own understanding of how privilege, power, and oppression impact their lives, Mass. Legal Services and the clients they serve, and the world around them. Impact: Participants stated that they would be more careful about making assumptions, recognize their own stereotypes/categorizations and the harmful impact of well intentioned statements. Participants reported greater understanding of the impact of their own privilege, realization that everyone experiences power and discrimination in some area.
Impact of the “Let’s Get REAL” Diversity Workshop in Relation to Its Goals Goal 4: Learn to leverage their power to effect change. Impact: Participants said they would know how to respond to hurtful comments or intervene in harmful situations, speak up more, confront people who make derogatory comments. Participants said they would be more assertive, know how to defend themselves while respecting others. Participants reported greater comfort discussing diversity issues, said they would try to be more culturally competent in work with clients, colleagues.
Thank you!