3rd TRANSNATIONAL MEETING Slovakia 21 and 22 of September 2006 Women Empowerment Net-W.E.N
Action 2 Activity 2.1: recruitment of women to be involved in the project Activity 2.2: development of a complete guide of methodological tools
Activity 2.1 Develop the methodology of the research Create the questionnaires Meet the staff of supporting structures and public services who are going to use the questionnaires Three centers are involved in this activity: Patra: started Didimoticho: started Athens: on the way to start
Activity 2.1 Interview at least 500 women Identify 300 women who will be involved in the pilot phase Identify the control group (100 women)
Deliverables of activity 2.1 Methodology of the research Questionnaire Data base Portfolio*:CV, certificates, references
Questionnaires Personal data Knowledge (studies, trainings, PC, languages) Skills (acquired in formal and non formal settings) Values (related to their professional and personal situation) Attitudes (how they perceive the mentoring – counseling process as a tool)
Activity 2.2 * development of a complete guide of methodological tools: research on women’s labor market indicators about equal opportunities policies and organizational corporate changes questionnaires, interview techniques, role play
Training Three different training modules (one for every area) combining theoretical and on the job training Adapted to the needs of the staff E-learning tools (cd rom)*