Impact of smoke-free legislation among smokers – Findings from the ITC Europe Surveys Ute Mons German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Germany WCToH 2012, Singapore, March 2012
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) is an important health risk. Effective measures to provide protection from SHS require the total elimination of smoking in a particular space to create a smoke-free environment. Public support for smoke-free policies are considered to be a key variable in the process of their adoption and with regards to compliance with the regulations. Opponents of smoke-free policies have argued that such policies could lead to displacement of smoking into the private home and hence even increase SHS exposure of non-smoking family members and children.
Background Methods Findings Conclusions
Measures: 1)„The last time you visited, were people smoking inside?“ (separately for bars/pubs and restaurants) 2)„Should smoking be allowed in all indoor areas, in some indoor areas, or not allowed indoors at all?“ (separately for bars/pubs and restaurants) 3)„Which of the following statements best describes smoking inside your home? Smoking is allowed anywhere inside your home, smoking is never allowed inside your home, something inbetween.“
Smoking in hospitality venues and policy support among smokers Background Methods Findings Conclusions
Smoking ban March 2004 ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban March 2004 ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban Rest of UK April/July 2007 Smoking ban Scotland March 2006 ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban Scotland March 2006 Smoking ban Rest of UK April/July 2007 ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban January 2008 ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban January 2008 ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban Aug Jul 2008 (partial bans in all states but Bavaria) Constitutional Court August 2008 (overturns ban in small bars) August 2009 (Bavaria lifts total ban) August 2010 (comprehensive ban in Bavaria after successful referendum) April 2011 (total smoking ban comes into force in Saarland) ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban Aug Jul 2008 (partial bans in all states but Bavaria) Constitutional Court August 2008 (overturns ban in small bars) August 2009 (Bavaria lifts total ban) August 2010 (comprehensive ban in Bavaria after successful referendum) April 2011 (total smoking ban comes into force in Saarland) ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban Aug Jul 2008 (partial bans in all states but Bavaria) August 2009 (Bavaria lifts total ban) April 2011 (total smoking ban comes into force in Saarland) August 2010 (comprehensive ban in Bavaria after successful referendum) ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions July 2009 (smoking ban temporarily lifted for small bars without employees) November 2010 (smoking ban unofficially lifted for small bars without employees – no fines) March 2010 (Supreme court decision – ban in small bars is constitutional) Smoking ban July 2008 (partial ban) ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures July 2011 (smoking ban officially lifted for small bars without employees)
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Smoking ban July 2008 (partial ban) ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Conclusions Only comprehensive policies are effective in eliminating smoking in hospitality venues Only comprehensive policies substantially improve support once the policy is in place
Displacement of smoking? Background Methods Findings Conclusions
ITC Europe surveys, cross-sectional smoker samples, weighted figures
Background Methods Findings Conclusions Conclusions (contd.) Only comprehensive policies are effective in eliminating smoking in hospitality venues Only comprehensive policies substantially improve support once the policy is in place No evidence of displacement of smoking into the home was found in any of the examined countries
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