By: Nate, Lucy, Charles, Corby
Nature-hereditary characteristics as an influence on or determinant of personality. Nature is like genes that you get from your family that causes you to act a certain way. For example, if your mom is bipolar and you’re bipolar also that is nature. Nature can also be physical like eye color, straight or curly hair, skin pigmentation, and certain diseases. Nurture-upbringing, education, and environment contrasted with inborn characteristics as an influence on or determinant of personality. Nurture is something you pick up or learn from the environment. For example, say you always hung out with a bunch of rude kids as a child and when you get older you become rude, that’s nurture. Because you grew up with rude kids, you ended up being a rude person as well.
1.Family, Education, and Everyday Experience are examples of? A)Nature B)Nurture C)Both D)IDK 2.Argues that people’s traits are determined by their biological makeup. A)Nature B)Nurture C)Both D)IDK
3.What is Nurture to you? A)Personality B)Environment 4.Personality traits include… A)Nature and Nurture B)Personality and Environment C)All of the above 5.Physical appearance and Intelligence come from… A)Nature B)Nurture C)Both D)IDK
In conclusion, Nature focuses on the biology of someone’s personality, while Nurture is about the environment’s effect on a person. While they each have differences, both are used to discover a person’s personality.