Solidarity between Japanese and Turkish Children after the Tsunami disaster BRIDGE OF BROTHERHOOD and LOVE
GEA is a Volunteer Turkish Search and Rescue Team
11 March 2011 Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami Disaster
Children have also lost their letters, photos, toys and happy memories
We ask ourselves. What can we offer to Japanese children?
We can build a Bridge of love and brotherhood between children, HOW?
First, GEA organised drawing competition between primary school students in Marmara region.
2300 pictures were selected
We designed some postcards with these drawings…
Postcards were distributed by GEA and AFAD volunteers to 28,000 students
21,500 postcards were selected
21,500 postcards were translated one-by-one into Japanese by 850 volunteer translators.
After translation process all post cards were checked one more time, and distributed again to translators
postcard distributed for the volunteer translator. Each postcard checked 3 times.
2500 Small handmade toys were prepared by GEA- SAR volunteers.
We prepared magician shows for Japanese Children
GEA Team members prepared songs and games.
Video clip broadcasted on TV and also distributed to Japanese Children
21500 Postcards, 3500 CDs with video clip 2300 Paintings, 2500 Handmade Toys, 1000 Handmade Bridge of Love T-shirts prepared, packed and sent to Japan..
24 August 2011 – Meeting with Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. H isashi TOKUNAGA
29 August 2011 Meeting with Ministry of Education of Japan
Bridge of Love Exhibition at Tokyo Shibuya Municipality.
19 GEA volunteers on the road for Sendai Iwate and Miyagi
We were singing Turkish and Japanese songs for them.
We shared Turkish Children’s messages of love and support to Japanese children.
Played Traditional Turkish Games
…and more games
…and more songs
had a lot of fun together
We have visited the schools in the region
Bringing postcards to the mayors and the leaders of local NGOs in disaster affected area.
Japanese Children respond to Turkish children when they have recieved the postcards
73 painter 850 translator 480 GEA Team Volunteer put thousands of hours and their heart and their soul hearts and souls met on bridge of brotherhood-love project.
Support may come in different forms.It is not always money or goods. But more about love, human touch and SOLIDARITY What you have shared is important but How you share is more valuable
Arigato Gozaimasta! Thank You!