THP-PLUS STATEWIDE IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT Interim THP-Plus Participant Tracking System Quarterly THP-Plus Training October 18, 2007
Why do we need an interim THP-Plus participant-tracking system? Inadequate information available for budget advocacy and demonstration of program impact Current reports provide only limited data in aggregated form Few counties have comprehensive computerized data tracking systems for THP-Plus Development and implementation of a long-term data tracking system requires a long timeframe
Outline of presentation How was the system developed? What the system will not track, and what it will track How will this information be used? Sample data entry timeline DEMO of system Confidentiality safeguards Participation parameters What is the timeline? Why should counties and providers participate?
How was the system developed? Consultation with counties and providers who have implemented THP-Plus Review of THP-Plus program and reporting requirements Compatibility with other data collection requirements and efforts related to emancipated foster youth
What the system will not track Quantity or type of services provided Ongoing case management information Detailed outcomes or well-being measures Information about young people not participating in THP-Plus
What the system will track Individual THP-Plus participant information, with ability to aggregate data for reports Basic demographics of participants Information about THP-Plus models used Basic outcomes in education, employment, housing, and assets Information about participants at program entrance, quarterly updates, program exit, and follow-up
How will this information be used? By counties (and providers) – To report on participant and program outcomes, and for self-evaluation By CDSS – To report on statewide program scope and impact to agency officials and legislators By advocates – To promote program support By researchers (potentially) – To analyze program impact in greater depth
How will the participant-tracking system work? Secure web-based database with assigned logins and passwords Counties decide whether data is entered by county staff or by contracted organizations
Sample Data Entry Timeline Jan Apr OctJul JanApr Oct Entrance Report Quarterly Update Report 6-Month Follow-Up Report 12-Month Follow-Up Report Exit Report Data entry completed by 15 th of month after end of quarter.
Let’s look at the demo!
Confidentiality safeguards Secure technology features Data access limited to county or provider’s specific clients only System does not store full SSN, address, phone, of THP-Plus participants Aggregated reports beyond county level exclude identifying personal information
Participation parameters Voluntary participation by counties Providers in non-participating counties may also choose to participate Use Agreement must be signed For Family to Family counties, same information can be tracked in ETO through CC25I reports
What is the timeline for the interim participant-tracking system? November 1System finalized November 15 “Webinar” trainings December 5 DecemberData entry for Q begins January 15Data entry for Q completed April 15 Data entry completed for Q Goal of full statewide participation
Why should counties and providers participate? Facilitates reporting on THP-Plus participant and program outcomes Reports can be used for program self- evaluation Statewide participation is critical for effective state-level budget advocacy
Further questions or comments? Sara Kimberlin John Burton Foundation (415)