Global Youth Partnership Programme against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children END CHILD PROSTITUTION, CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL PURPOSES. This initiative is implemented with the support of: ECPAT International, European Union, International Child Support, Ladies' Circle International, OAK Foundation, Latin American Children's Trust, Christian Aid and The Body Shop.
Ladies Circle Sweden, LC23 Eskilstuna Global Youth Partnership Project by ECPAT international
Kyrgyzstan Leadership training 661 children benefitted from training such as personal development & the dangers of drug & alcohol use Peer Support Programmes Eg. “My passport” END CHILD PROSTITUTION, CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL PURPOSES. This initiative is implemented with the support of: ECPAT International, European Union, International Child Support, Ladies' Circle International, OAK Foundation, Latin American Children's Trust, Christian Aid and The Body Shop.
END CHILD PROSTITUTION, CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL PURPOSES. This initiative is implemented with the support of: ECPAT International, European Union, International Child Support, Ladies' Circle International, OAK Foundation, Latin American Children's Trust, Christian Aid and The Body Shop. Cameroon Leadership training 16 Youth Motivators & Peers supporters have received about trafficking and communication skills etc. Peer Support Programmes Awareness raising activities 800 leaflets 838 children reached directly and 1154 indirectly
END CHILD PROSTITUTION, CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL PURPOSES. This initiative is implemented with the support of: ECPAT International, European Union, International Child Support, Ladies' Circle International, OAK Foundation, Latin American Children's Trust, Christian Aid and The Body Shop. Chile Leadership training 60 youth participated in the trainings – sharing experiences Peer Support Programmes Peer support sessions in high risk areas 120 children directly & 400 indirectly
END CHILD PROSTITUTION, CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL PURPOSES. This initiative is implemented with the support of: ECPAT International, European Union, International Child Support, Ladies' Circle International, OAK Foundation, Latin American Children's Trust, Christian Aid and The Body Shop. Mexico Leadership training 103 children received training in leadership and life skills Peer Support Programmes New board game Sexual exploitation affects everyone Each one of us can play an important role in identifying and preventing CSEC
Ladies Circle Sweden, LC23 Eskilstuna June 2010: EURO December 2010: EURO Goal june 2011: EURO Goal = 20 EUROs per ladies circle member
Ladies Circle Sweden, LC23 Eskilstuna “the greatest injustice in our community is the existence of child sexual exploitation & abuse, which in part happens due to ignorance and neglect by the adults”
Ladies Circle Sweden, LC23 Eskilstuna “The YPP Project has changed me completely”