TODAY’S ACTIVITIES ARE: Ecology Club French Homework Help Intramural Basketball SERT Spanish Club Rock n Soul Rehearsal Soccer Game If you are staying for an Activity and forgot to notify your parents – you will be allowed to call today from the Main Office DURING YOUR LUNCH PERIOD ONLY. Please ask for a pass from the lunchroom.
All of the choruses did such a great job that there is no afterschool rehearsal on TODAY!! Congratulations!
Ecology Club is meeting today afterschool!
Come to the after-school show this Friday! Tickets are on sale NOW for just $3! The first 50 Honor Roll students from each grade can get a free ticket from the following teachers: 6 th Grade – Mr. McAdams 7 th Grade – Ms. Newton 8 th Grade – Ms. Lee Don’t forget: the after-school Rock ‘n’ Soul 10 show is this Friday, May 3 rd. There will be activity buses, so bring your $3 and buy your tickets tomorrow!
TODAY during 8 th grade lunch, the varsity basketball coach from Paint Branch will be meeting with any 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball next year!
Attention all students and parents: The Benjamin Banneker Middle School Team Leaders would like to invite everyone to a Washington Nationals game on May 31. The cost per ticket is $20 and includes transportation from the school. Letters and permission slips are available during Advisory, in the Main Office, and on teachers’ EdLine pages Permission slips and payments are due by Friday, May 20 th. Hope to see you there! - Banneker’s Team Leaders
Yes - The yearbook is selling out! Over half of the edition of the Surveyor “Revue-ing Ten Years” have been sold! Do not miss out on this special edition! All student who pre-ordered their books will receive theirs tomorrow! You may purchase your copy at the Rock-n-Soul shows OR wait until May 27 for our regular sale distribution. Remember, quantities are LIMITED! Cost $40.00, cash or check accepted. Enjoy!
Looking for a wonderful musical experience this summer? Then the Musical Theatre Institute at Blake High School is for you! Be a part of the hit Broadway Musical --- ALL SHOOK UP! The show features the rock music of Elvis Presley. The program is open to 8 th Graders going to any high school next year. Auditions are this Saturday at Blake. See the Blake Website for more information. Be part of the fun!
Ms. Whitney’s Seventh Grade English classes are still collecting supplies for students in Haiti who have been affected by the effects of devastating poverty. Please bring your new or gently used supplies to Room 207E. Our goal is to equip 1,000 students with the necessary supplies to begin a new school year this coming September. Let’s make a difference in the lives of children who want an education.
Tryouts for the Springbrook High Pom Team will be held May 23, 24, 25. Teacher Recommendation, Parent Permission & Health Inventory forms (available in E107 – Athletics office) must be completed PRIOR to participation in the clinics/tryouts. Where - Lower Gym 3:30 - 6:00 pm When - Monday-Thursday, May 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2011 Forms will be available SOON in the main office
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world.