Ray Larsen 9.1 SSIT & CSI Liaison 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen1
7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen2
Brief Introduction SSIT Joining with an overseas meeting in Asia for Semi- Annual Conference Group is on IEEE Watch List due to low activity, membership, finances T&S magazine is still being published regularly 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen3
CSI: Community Solutions Initiative Spinoff from HTC for “Reliable Electricity” Humanitarian Technology Challenge 3-yr pilot program CSI departed from main HTC Reliable Electricity initiative to develop community sized highly scalable solutions In 2010 HTC lost UN funding so for continuity CSI spun off under PES, Power and Energy Society First CSI solution launched for rural Haiti; became strongly supported by PES, NPSS, IEEE Foundation 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen4
SunBlazer Power Station 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen5 ** 1.5 KW serves homes ** 6 units deployed in Haiti June 2011 ** 9 more shipped for final assembly in Port au Prince, deploy August 2012
CSI Goal: Sustainable Development HTC goal was to see solutions deployed as “sustainable market-based” initiatives Solutions had to be invented by 3 HTC initiatives CSI hooked up with NGO in Haiti, Sirona Cares (SF based founding company) to develop market, in-country for-profit entity, local entrepreneurs CSI-Sirona-Haiti is now the major initiative in IEEE Through 2011 support totaled ~$400K for kW mobile solar power stations 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen6
CSI Status Haiti Program Nov. 2010: Started construction for first 6 stations June 2011: 6 stations deployed in 6 communities as businesses under Sirona Cares; operated by local entrepreneurs who are totally responsible for success: Developing customers, collecting payments, making lease payment to Sirona, keeping records, coordinating with Sirona central maintenance June 2012: After 1 year all 6 stations totally successful One failure of a controller in May 2012, a few random failures of battery packs, LED lights Customers, owners paying on time 2000 customer waiting list c.f. 240 deployed 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen7
CSI Status 2 Pilot 2 for 9 additional stations to Haiti June 2012: Major parts assembled in Long Island including 360 battery packs, lighting kits, shipped from NY Assembly of solar panels, chassis wiring, final installation sub-chargers left to Haitians Sirona-Haiti leased facility in Port au Prince is beginning of full manufacture in Haiti, major CSI goal IEEE has fulfilled Haiti seed funding program; will assist with training and deployment in July-August 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen8
Sirona-Haiti Milestones Nov 2011: 1 of 3 NGOs in attendance at government national strategy meetings Affirmative contacts with presidential reps, UN, USAID, World Bank Dec 2011 USAID requests to purchase the 9 new units for $250K to deploy in St. Marc’s under Sirona-Haiti All new units will be equipped with 83 home kits per generator (2X) 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen9
Sirona-Haiti Milestones 2 April 2012: USAID funds start to flow; $250K will build 10 new units after current 9 new units deployed USAID requested proposal for grant for full-scale factory ($500K); submitted May 2012: Sirona-Haiti incorporation complete USAID indicates will order units after factory grant UNEP proposes end of grid application for 20 units ‘13-’14 June-July 2012 Sirona takes delivery 9 new units in NY & ships to Haiti Digicel requests proposal to light up 75 of 150 new schools 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen10
Product Changes More users per station Usage in field shows that single station can handle ~80 units per station (customer recharge rates much lower than max allowable Cuts cost, doubles income per station by 2X at low cost Cost reductions all components major S-H focus Bids from multiple suppliers for complete battery packs & lighting kits requiring no additional work in Haiti Costs ~ 50% of first units Major remaining cost driver is trailer New design underway to separate chassis from trailer once on location; re-use trailers for hauling from factory Original idea not executed due to urgency of delivering 1 st units. 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen11
CSI New Initiatives: Africa & Asia Power Africa 2012, Johannesburg S.A. In lieu of sending 3200 lb SunBlazer to Africa, sending 6 CSI speakers for Tutorial Workshop: Renewable Energy market-Based Sustainable Business Development for Energy-Impoverished Communities Targeting NGOs who are seriously interested in developing Haiti-like programs Propose CSI-NGO partnerships Raise seed funding under IEEE Foundation CSI Fund for Affordable Energy 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen12
7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen13 Program Overview **3.5 days **Parallel with Power Africa 2012 **Many Working Sessions **Emphasis on Business Modeling, 5-yr Plan, Market Surveys **Goal: Initiate first Partnership Draft Agreements
New CSI Initiative Executive Summary Proposes IEEE CSI global goal of 10 new startups per year, continuing. 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen14
7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen15 IEEE CSI Foundation Brochure Kudos to Albe Larsen for initial design and dogged pursuit and Peter Clout for constructive ideas and diplomacy under fire in getting through IEEE Foundation gatekeepers Pull-Up Posters The 6-ft high posters on Slide 2 are the product of the Albe-Peter- Cisneros team
Summary The CSI – Sirona-Haiti partnership has been an unqualified success to date. Sirona now must raise millions in new funding on its own to grow to reach a million people in its first 5 years. Huge credit to the volunteer team who designed and built the equipment, Sirona-Haiti for assuming the daunting responsibility and risk of a new startup, and IEEE for its outstanding corporate leadership, funding and organizational support. The IEEE NPSS lead investment has already multiplied by 2X or more and continued growth looks promising Hopefully IEEE, corporate and individual investors will be motivated to help break new ground in Africa and Asia. 7/7/2012CSI Report to NPSS AdCom - R. Larsen16