Grievance Handling Baratha Dewanarayana. Management Consultant. B.Sc in Business Administration, Business Economics (Special)
Grievance is An unfair or unreasonable act or situation at work It is a concern to employee
That which oppresses and injures and causes a sense of wrong. One's allegation that something imposes an illegal burden, denies some equitable or legal right, or causes injustice. An employee may be entitled by a Collective Bargaining agreement to seek relief through a grievance procedure. Collective Bargaining
“A complaint by an employee concerning an action by management that does not violate the contract, past practice, or law.” “Grievance is a psychological feeling.”
Causes for Grievances Job Working conditions Rules and regulations Interpersonal relations Personal reasons Any other that employee feels
Revealing Grievances – Explicit methods Suggestion / Complaint box Employee survey Exit interviews
Revealing Grievances – Implicit methods Attendance Records Carelessness at work Work place accidents Indisciplineness Inferior quality and quantity output
Route of a grievance (Significance of a grievance) GrievanceObjectionsDispute Productivity loss
Why grievance handling procedure? To give formal recognition To minimize frustration To avoid third party involvement To provide justice For the concern of top management To have a consistency To speed up the process
Solving Grievances. –Prevention. –Having a suitable accepted procedure.
Having a suitable accepted procedure…. 1.Discuss with his/her immediate boss. 2.An appeal to next possible level. 3.Proper solution or a response in order to minimize frustration and further conflicts. 4.Clear and well defined procedures. 5.Participation of employees or their agents in order to prepare certain procedures.
How to Solve? –Immediately. –Suitably.
Accepted procedures…… Open door policy Grievance Committees Counseling Third party involvement Ombudsman service
Advantages of having proper grievance handling procedure. High employee satisfaction Employer- employee relations Develop positive ideas Higher productivity Good will
Principles of Grievance Handling. Treat them as important. Getting all the information. Discussions. Listening. Build trustworthy. Accept own faults/mistakes. Wise usage of an authority. Effective Communication. Follow up. Proper training programmes.
To reduce grievances,….. Change work environment Add new responsibilities & duties Reduce stress Conduct trainings Allow upward communication Obtaining feedback
Things to concern…….. Handling procedure should be just & fair To protect secrecy and identity To keep records On Time schedule.
Thank You All.