P RESENTATION OUTLINE Need for IG in Nepal IG/Its components ARI relationships in service delivery ARI development in Nepal Public servant-service delivery Example of inclusive governance in service delivery ( ARI/GESI being strengthened )
G ROUP ACTIVITY : CASE Exploring Service Delivery: key issues and Need for Inclusive governance
L EARNING POINT Service delivery centre (school, waste management, electricity authority, health post & concerned department/ ministries) is neither held accountable nor responsible Lacking coordination Unobligated/ unethical/ unresponsive personnel Violation of human rights ( education, health basic need) Lack of discipline (violation of citizen charter) Absence of legal action High chances for the repetition of same mistake Poor health due to unresponsive governance Livelihood problem
W HY I NCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE M ATTERS IN N EPAL Limited implementation of public policies Negligence of legal frame work Limited coordination No access to information about resource allocation, rights and public services Limited inclusion of women poor and excluded Political influence over the resources Lacking ARI (accountability/responsiveness/integrity) Lack of trust in police and justice system
I NCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE (IG) Enabling governance that not only aware/responsive to need/interest of WPEs but also willing/able to provide effective remedies to their concerns source : Towards Inclusive Governance,UNDP IG is about reaching closer to people Approach to improve delivery of public services & empower marginalized group to demand services Non-IG is absence of policy, practices & institutional arrangements to mainstream WPEs in governance system
K EY COMPONENTS (ARI+GESI) Four Interconnected Concepts of IG Accountability Responsiveness Integrity and Ethics Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
IntegrityIntegrity Responsiveness Accountability GESI
Being answerable for what is done: Government organisations and public administrators accountable to citizens, users of public services and the law Accountability
Responding to the needs and aspirations of citizen and users of public services: Government organisations and administrators respond to citizens and respect their rights Responsiveness
IntegrityIntegrity Government bodies and administrators act in ways that create public trust This entails: Competence Ethical standards Consistency between what is said and done Transparency Minimising the space for and opportunities for corruption
(source: World Bank 2004) The State Policy makers Politicians ARI RELATIONSHIPS IN SERVICE DELIVERY Service s Citizens / Clients Advantaged Excluded Providers Organisations Frontline providers Voice Compact Client power Long route Short route II
ARI DEVELOPMENTS IN N EPAL RTI legislation CIAA legislation Good Governance Act Public & social audits required Minimum conditions for DDC block grants Civil service code of conduct
R OLE OF PUBLIC SERVANTS TO PROMOTE IG IN N EPAL Implementation of policies Simplifying the procedure Preventing injustice against WPEs Provide right information Participatory plan/program/Feed back Rational judgment WPEs friendly policies/infrastructure
C IVIL SERVANT & SERVICE DELIVERY Supporting factors: National commitment through constitution, policies & legal framework Awareness towards IG & public demand Increased roles of donors Improved institutional arrangement Capacity of service providders Challenges: Weak legal enforcement and compliance Attitude and behaviour of service provider Lengthy process and formalities Inadequate institutional facilities Resistance to change
C ONCLUSION Inclusive Governance For : Harmony, Peace, prosperity & justice Efficient public service Better governance