Role of learning centers in higher education Masanori Tokeshi 1LLC training July 22, 2011
Background “CRLA” is certified ONLY at Meio University, in JAPAN Tutor pins Foreign language ability are needed to enhance globalization Foreign language ability are valued to compete politically, or economically with other countries, As citizens of the earth, we need to work out many global issues such as poor children, environmental problems, health problems so on. 2LLC training July 22, 2011
Role of the LLC at Meio University remedial language learning (mostly in the form of class assignment) self-access material cultural exchange/understanding study abroad information resource Language test preparation Other (cooperating in university events) ESP (English for specific purposes) /JSP LLC training July 22, 20113
Expected role of tutor Brainstorming 1:: Why are you working at the LLC? ・ Brainstorming 2: What are benefits of tutoring for tutee students? LLC training July 22, 20114
What are expected roles of tutors? (Inside the LLC) -giving model of foreign language (pronunciation, grammar, advanced/native language speaker) -encouraging learning (to continue to make efforts) -unthreatening and friendly learning partner-peer tutoring -resource of foreign language as native speaker -prompter, when needed, clues are given to given (on the campus, outside of the LLC) role mode active speaker of foreign languages LLC training July 22, 20115
Some helpful tips to tutoring 1, Understanding learners Personality & motivation --self-esteem –low self-esteem -risk-taking-less risk-taking -anxiety -less anxiety -extroversion – introversion voluntary –involuntary LLC training July 22, 20116
7 English level -Weaknesses with pronunciation, or grammar, or speaking, or writing and so on. -Strengths in grammar or reading and so on.
LLC training July 22, Inducing-using target language prompts gestures/visual aids 3. how a language is comprehensible (teacher talk/ foreigner talk) -repetition -simplifying -slower speech, pauses -comprehension check -clarification request -confirmation check -recasting
4.PPP technique Presentation-tutors show a model of English Practice- tutors practice together with tutees Production… tutees present what they learned 5.Preparation for tutoring -aware of content to be tutored -Make quick plan for tutoring LLC training July 22, 20119
Future direction for the LLC -linking with language classes -Filing tutee’s learning progress (port-folio) -Producing independent-learner -Offering learning strategy course -E-learning -academic skill workshops (how to make presentation /writing academic paper/Passing Gpre1st, gaining TOEIC 700/gaining ibTTOEFL80) -joint-project with overseas CRLA certified university/sister school -ESP -Stronger linking with study abroad program -establish alumni, using Facebook etc. LLC training July 22,