Media Trust “Communications on a Shoestring” Sean Curtis-Ward Community Outreach Manager, Media Trust June 12 Newcastle
Media Trust What is the Media Trust ?
Why am I listening? Could this be ‘Death by Powerpoint’?
“ The discipline which looks after reputation, with the aim of earning understanding and support and influencing opinion and behavior. It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics”. CIPR What is PR ?
Man bites dog ‘New’ news Topical stories Controversy, ‘scandal’ Human interest Information relevant to their audience Experts Facts and figures Exclusive story
Building Relationships with journalists WHY? Increase (favourable) coverage HOW? Twitter and Linked-in Become source of credible stories Keep regular contact (but avoid sending non-news) Offer an exclusive story ? Be contactable after hours Don’t complain if they don’t write about you
News Stories: Why now? Topical Event driven Factual Shorter Spokesperson quotes = Press release driven Features: Why this topic? Less time sensitive Longer, discursive May not be based on a news story Can be opinionated, emotive Has to include case studies May include multiple spokespeople = Phone/ approach News Stories vs. Features
Planning a Good Press Release Why is this a story – and who cares? Work out what your story is Headline – tell the journalist, but don’t be too clever Work backwards from your headline Do you need a sub-heading? First paragraph explains the story
Date Headline Opening Paragraph Context/Facts Quote Background Contacts References Most important information Least important information
Key messages? Always three – people lose interest after that What do you want to people to remember? No point in coverage without getting your point across or your message out Weave key messages into a quote or a call to action
Keep the tone positive Use an active voice where possible Use headings to make a point Cut out unnecessary words Check grammar and spelling Avoid clichés like the plague! Style which communicates
Who? What? Why? When? Where? The Five W’s
What is it? Where you can find? How you can use it? And Yes, it really is free ! The Community Newswire
Go to the “Get Support” section and then the “Community Newswire”. Follow the upload instructions. or