Writing Summarizing Welcome to Lesson #17 Today you will learn: 1.What is a summary. 2.How to write a summary.
Writing What is a summary Summarizing is using your own words to describe something. Using Your Own Words…
Writing What is a summary Using Your Own Words… Summarizing Why do it?
Writing What is a summary Using Your Own Words… Writing a summary tests how well you understand something you have read. It is a very effective way to help you learn. You will use this again and again as a student!
Writing What is a summary Using Your Own Words… Writing summaries helps you to communicate clearly. It tells the main idea and uses the key details to support the main idea. It helps the reader to understand important points communicated.
Writing What is a summary Using Your Own Words… The Process… Using the “MIDAS Touch!” A strategy used to help you understand and remember important ideas.
Writing Writing a 5 Sentence Paragraph M Main idea: Identify main idea from TOPIC SENTENCE I Identify SUPPORTING DETAILS
Writing Writing a Summary D Disregard unimportant information A Analyze information that is repeated or unnecessary. S Simplify important information in your own words or use bullets.
Writing Writing a 5 Sentence Paragraph The main idea is the most important information being shared. It is what it is MOSTLY about. NOTE: Identify the Main Idea for your summary!
Writing Writing a 5 Sentence Paragraph Using basic signal words… to help identify the main idea: WHO? (subject) WHAT? (action) WHERE? (location) WHEN? (time) WHY? (reason) HOW? (process)
Writing Writing a Summary Main Idea Supporting Detail Conclusion Supporting Detail
Writing Writing a Summary The TOPIC SENTENCE is usually the first sentence of the paragraph. It gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to be about.
Writing Writing a Summary However, the TOPIC SENTENCE may not always be so clear, and it can come in the middle or end of a paragraph, not just its beginning. Pay close attention!
Writing Writing a Summary Regardless, all TOPIC SENTENCES are supported by sentences that give details to develop the MAIN IDEA.
Writing Writing a Summary Summarizing Let’s practice with a paragraph … using the 1 st paragraph of Chapter 17 in our novel.
Writing a Summary Example of finding the Main Idea… Chapter 17: Diamond Goes On DIAMOND became a great favorite with all the men about the mews. Some may think it was not the best place in the world for him to be brought up in; but it must have been, for there he was. At first, he heard a good many rough and bad words; but he did not like them, and so they did him little harm. He did not
Writing a Summary The Main Idea… know in the least what they meant, but there was something in the very sound of them, and in the tone of voice in which they were said, which Diamond felt to be ugly. So they did not even stick to him, not to say get inside him. He never took any notice of them, and his face shone pure and good in the middle of them, like a primrose in a hailstorm. At first,
Writing a Summary The Main Idea… because his face was so quiet and sweet, with a smile always either awake or asleep in his eyes, and because he never heeded their ugly words and rough jokes, they said he wasn't all there, meaning that he was half an idiot, whereas he was a great deal more there than they had the sense to see. And before long the bad words found
The Main Idea… themselves ashamed to come out of the men's mouths when Diamond was near. The one would nudge the other to remind him that the boy was within hearing, and the words choked themselves before they got any farther. When they talked to him nicely he had always a good answer, sometimes a smart one, ready, and that helped much to make them change their minds about him.
Writing a Summary The Main Idea… Words that are important to know: “mews”: where he spent much time with other men. What does it mean? This is an unusual word and important to understand the setting and context for this paragraph. Look up words in a dictionary online if you can’t understand the word in context.
Writing a Summary The Main Idea… From dictionary.com mews, ( usually used with a singular verb) Chiefly British. a.(formerly) an area of stables built around a small street This makes sense to the story. Diamond is working with the other men in horse stables.
Writing Writing a Summary Strategies to use: 1. Highlight the main idea in the paragraph. (I used bold font) 2. Cross out parts that are not needed since it is repeated. 3. Underline sentences that support the main idea with details.
Writing a Summary Example of finding the Main Idea… Chapter 17: Diamond Goes On DIAMOND became a great favorite with all the men about the mews. Some may think it was not the best place in the world for him to be brought up in; but it must have been, for there he was. At first, he heard a good many rough and bad words; but he did not like them, and so they did him little harm. He did not
Writing a Summary The Main Idea… know in the least what they meant, but there was something in the very sound of them, and in the tone of voice in which they were said, which Diamond felt to be ugly. So they did not even stick to him, not to say get inside him. He never took any notice of them, and his face shone pure and good in the middle of them, like a primrose in a hailstorm. At first,
The Main Idea… because his face was so quiet and sweet, with a smile always either awake or asleep in his eyes, and because he never heeded their ugly words and rough jokes, they said he wasn't all there, meaning that he was half an idiot, whereas he was a great deal more there than they had the sense to see. And before long the bad words found
The Main Idea… themselves ashamed to come out of the men's mouths when Diamond was near. The one would nudge the other to remind him that the boy was within hearing, and the words choked themselves before they got any farther. When they talked to him nicely he had always a good answer, sometimes a smart one, ready, and that helped much to make them change their minds about him.
Writing a Summary Main idea and supporting details The coachmen learned to respect Diamond and behaved better around him. They learned that he was smart and alert. The men stopped swearing. He was like a shining star he was so good.
Writing a Summary Main idea and supporting details Diamond made such an impression on the coachmen that they changed their behavior around him. Concluding sentence
Paragraph Summary… The coachmen learned to respect Diamond and behaved better around him. He was like a shining star around them, always bright and smiling, doing the right thing. The men stopped swearing when they realized he was very aware of their ugly manner in speaking. He won their hearts.
Writing a Summary… Putting it into Practice Read the Chapter 17, Diamond Goes On Respond in your journal on the following: 1.What is the main idea of this chapter? (Make sure you support your opinion by using the text.)
You will be writing a summary. Follow the same process I modeled for you: a. Use the graphic organizer attached under this lesson. b.Write the complete summary in a paragraph format after you complete the graphic organizer. (write it in your journal…)
2. Edit your journal entry for sentence structure and sentence lengths. √ Check over your punctuation and spelling. √ Did you say what you wanted to say? We will look at this closely in lesson 18.
3. What connections did you make with this chapter? What questions do you have? Share any of your connections or questions in the Discussion Forum with others taking this course! Enjoy sharing with each other.
Writing Good-Bye, until next time! I look forward to teaching you how to edit and revise your writing in lesson 18. Until then, keep writing paragraphs! Remember to enjoy reading while you practice effective reading strategies!