Learning Targets: 1.To define grammar. 2.To understand the purpose of grammar study. 3.To self-assess grammar history and knowledge.
Take out a piece of notebook paper. Put your name and class period at the top. Number your paper 1 through 6 leaving five or six lines between numbers.
Procedure for Discussion: ELBOW PARTNERS Think-Pair-Share
1.Quick write your response to a question or discussion point. 2.Read your partner’s response and discuss similarities and differences. 3.Your teacher will randomly draw names for a class share.
1. Our district and state have recently added grammar as a specific standard for all students. Also 43 states now include grammar as part of the Common Core standards for high school graduation. WHY? 1.Quick Write 2.Discuss 3.Share
2.READ THIS ARTICLE: Every day, people judge you by the words and sentences you use. Rightly or wrongly, they make assumptions about your intelligence, education and capabilities. Nothing makes a better impression than a solid mastery of the English language. Studies over many decades have proven that a strong command of English is directly linked to career advancement, to the money you make as well as social success. Do you agree or disagree?
Why? 1.Quick Write 2.Discuss 3.Share
3. Listed below are tests taken in high school. What do you know about each one? What do all of these tests have in common? MAP HSPE PSAT SAT ACT AP Language AP Literature COMPASS 1.Discuss: Compare and share knowledge about tests. 2.Write: What is the common thread?
4. Grammar is: a.all about language. b.a study of words combined to form sentences. c.important in both written and spoken language. d.a body of rules for speaking and writing a given language. e.all of the above. What is the correct answer? WHY? Pick an answer. Discuss. Share.
a.all about language. b.a study of words combined to form sentences. c.important in both written and spoken language. d.is the rules for speaking and writing a given language. e.all of the above. 4. Grammar is:
How are we going to attack grammar?
The Plan: This Week- Introduction (today) Personal Grammar History Pre-Test and Analysis Set Up Writer’s Notebook The Rest of the Semester- Weekly Instruction and Practice Post-Test and Improvement
Instruction will include five levels: Parts of speech Parts of a sentence Phrases Clauses Punctuation/ Usage
Review: Parts of Speech 1. noun 2. pronoun 3. adjective 4. verb 5. adverb 6. conjunction 7. preposition 8. interjection
Review: Parts of a Sentence Subject Predicate Direct object Indirect object Subject complement
Review: Phrases o prepositional o appositive o verbal gerund participle infinitive
Review: Clauses independent dependent structures simple, compound, complex, compound-complex types declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory
Learning Targets: 1.To define grammar. 2.To understand the purpose of grammar study. 3.To self-assess grammar history and knowledge.
Check for Understanding 5.In your own words write a definition of grammar. 6.Why is it important to include the study of grammar in this class?
7.Using complete sentences, write a personal history of your experience with grammar instruction. What do you remember from elementary school, middle school, or previous English classes? TURN IN. Self Assessment On the back of your paper.
This week: Introduction to Grammar Pre-Test Grade Test and Analyze Scores Set Up Writer’s Notebook …and then
DayActivity Grammar Mondays Direct Instruction Tuesday Sentence Analysis Wednesday Thursday Friday Sentence Writing and Assessment The Rest of the Semester-
1 st Semester: Parts of Speech Parts of a Sentence 2 nd Semester: Phrases Clauses
Sentence of the Week Sentence of the Month (9, 10, 11, 12) Writer’s Notebook