Warm-ups Date: Dec 9, 2013 Page: Table of Contents p 1 W.O.D: Last 5 pages Warm-ups: Front Cover W.O.D. Neuron – A nerve cell. Question: How many neurons do you think you have in your brain? Question Glossary
Today’s Plan Notebook organization Neuron notes and coloring. Neuron counting lab Reflection
What parts of the neuron can you label?
Color according the key: Dendrites – Yellow Cell body – Orange Nucleus – Red Axon – Orange Myelin sheath – Purple Axon terminals – orange
Reflection: What is the axon protected by in a neuron?
Counting Neurons Get a piece of white paper Draw a neuron with a white crayon - it will be difficult to see Go into the science lab Choose a tray of food coloring and carefully lay your paper into the color water. Lift up once the paper is saturated. Let all remaining drips fall back into the tray. Let paper dry on black drying rack shelves.