Dawn Temple Yavapai College
Review of Effects of Feldenkrais Exercises on Balance, Mobility, Balance Confidence, and Gait Performance in Community-Dwelling Adults Age 65 and Older This study investigated the Feldenkrais Method as a course of action for the ubiquitous problem among the elderly: falling.
The study Identified the age-related changes that increase the risk of falling. Used industry specific assessment tools and was administered by trained staff. Concluded that the Feldenkrais Method may have important practical application for older adults in terms of helping to maintain an optimum level of independence in performing various Activities of Daily Living.
The study Did not have follow-up to assess if long-term benefits can be sustained Did not address claims of improving cognitive processes – neuroplasticity – the unique approach of Feldenkrais that differentiates it from other low-impact exercise routines
Holistic system of movement – Awareness of one’s whole self in action Sensory re-learning of movement – By reducing unnecessary muscular effort Yielding – Greater self-awareness, confidence, balance, flexibility, mobility, and skill
Useful in treating Minor aches and pains Serious muscular-skeletal and neurological problems Loss of energy Chronic tension
The Elderly It is slow and gentle It gets them moving It gets them thinking – causing neurons in the brain to heal and regenerate
Athletes Achieve greater performance Heal faster from injuries
Anyone suffering from restricted movement, chronic pain and unproductive habitual patterns Have you ever wondered why we go from six-year olds gracefully cartwheeling across the lawn to sixty-year olds unable to sit on the floor? Overcome chronic pain Develop balance and fluidity in motion
We are afflicted with injuries We are plagued with the consequences of ignorant, youthful living “If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of my body!” Our society disregards sensorimotor learning in favor of intellectual and social gains
Connects learning with human health and function By understanding biomechanics, we becoming more aware of our movements, and exert less effort Explores biological and cultural aspects of movement, posture and learning
Learning to replace old habits with new awareness and skill through sensing and feeling while moving The science behind it: neuroplasticity – the ability of the nervous system to change based on experiences – brain cells and nerve cells grow and change as new needs arise during an experience-driven life
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