New solutions for multimodal carriage and the use of transport documents oProfessor Erik Røsæg oNordisk institutt for sjørett
Documents – negotiability oThe different aspects of negotiability oNegotiability = transferability oNon-negotiable documents oElectronic documents 2
Electronic documents oIs there a problem? oHow it works oSignature monopoly 3
Identity of carrier oCurrent law oThe new rule in Art. 37 4
Duty to check cargo before signing transport document oDuty carried on oClarification 5
Misdescription – estoppel oAll documents oReliance 6
Misdescription – tort liability oThe current law oThe limitation problem 7
Good faith oGood faith oDuty to cooperate oInternational practice 8
Environment oRule of interpretation oSlow steaming 9
Art 82 oThe principle oAir carriage oRoad carriage oRail carriage oInland waterways carriage 10
Art 26 oSimilar to CMR Art. 2 oOnly liability, limitation of liability and time limits oHypothetical contracts oLocalized damage oInternational conventions oScope of the conventions? 11
Multimodal principles oRestrictive construction of unimodal conventions oParties to determine background law oFreedom of contract oOne transport, one regime oThe recourse trap 12
A uniform multimodal document? oThe RR documents are generic oCertain rules are associated with the documents … obut that does not matter if we are outside the scope of the conventions 13