Indigenous Peoples Participation The GEF Small Grants Programme Experience Philip Balderamos, Belize June 17 th, 2009
To share SGP experiences of working with IPs including challenges, successes, lessons learned and recommendations Objective
Background on IPs Overview of SGP projects funded to IPs in Belize Approaches, Challenges, Successes Lessons Learned Recommendations 3 OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION
Corporate programme of the GEF Launched in 1992 Implemented by UNDP and executed by UNOPS Operates in 120 countries Aims to secure Global Environmental Benefits in the GEF focal areas through community-based initiatives and actions GEF SGP
ILO Convention 169 and UN Declaration of the rights of IPs Retain some or all of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions (Cultural manifestation) Guardians of Forests and Marine Resources IPs in the Caribbean
Belize is unique in having 2 sets of IPs Maya (Meso-American Region) Garifuna (Caribbean Region) Belize is a meeting place for these two groups IPs in Belize
Land Rights Poverty and Unemployment Out/In Migration Loss of Cultural Identity/Language Representation? Issues affecting IPs
Co-management of protected areas Community based tourism/Community Conservation Area Traditional handicraft and basketwork Honey, organic cacao and medicinal plants Community protection of coastal/marine resources Solar powered community internet cafe Types of Project funded to IPs
Guidance note to all SGP countries from CPMT on Improving access to SGP funding for IPs (2005) IPs Focal Point included on NSC IPs prioritized in Country Programme Strategy Use of Flipchart/Almanario, Photo Proposal or Video Proposal? Use of Planning Grant mechanism for project preparation Community Consultations and Learning Exchange Visits APPROACHES
Establishment and Co-management of protected areas Empowering and Involving Mayan women in decision making Revitalization of honey production Strengthened livelihoods and reduced habitat loss Upscaling of SGP Project to Medium Size Project (MSP) SUCCESSES
Involved land acquisition, capacity building and landscape management Strong community participation, ownership, commitment and leadership Support by other in-country partners Inputs from international partner (FFI) Negotiations and advocacy UPSCALING
Geographic location Communication/Coordination Lack of Capacity and Accountability Gender Issues, Leadership, Ownership, Continuity and Sustainability Conflicts (Internal and External) CHALLENGES and CONSTRAINTS
Long-term partnering is necessary Incorporate capacity building and skills training in projects Provide training in conflict resolution and moral leadership. Provide continuous monitoring & ongoing guidance and support LESSONS LEARNT
Be flexible during project implementation Maintain regular and open communication Conduct learning exchanges between groups Ensure community receives benefits from the project Respect cultural values and incorporate traditional knowledge in projects LESSONS LEARNT
Weaknesses Recognize and prioritize IPs & Vulnerable Communities Adopt and utilize new approaches and proposal formats Engage and involve other partners with technical expertise Incorporate traditional knowledge in projects to enhance ownership and acceptance Include capacity building training and skills development in all projects 18 RECOMMENDATIONS
Soundtrack from Andy Palacio’s WÁTINA CD