1 Méditerranean Commission on Sustainable Développement Commissariat Général au Développement durable Bernard Brillet, CGEDD French Sustainable Development Ministry French policy on sustainable consumption and production SCP
2 The change in consumer behaviour has started…even though it will take time. world poll (14 countries) National Geographic 2008: 74% of Brazilians, 62% of Indians “very concerned” or “concerned” by environmental issues (USA, FR: 55%) EU poll 2009: 72% in favour of mandatory carbon labelling ( persons from 28 countries) Ethicity / ADEME poll (April 2010; 1000 persons in France): 74% of consumers would like to have information about the environmental impacts of the products they buy Further than mere declarations, more and more concrete acts : ex : in France, doubling of organic products consumption in last 3 years. Consumers’ expectations
3 A concertation of an unprecedented scale in France in the environmental field A new 5 actors governance (unions, elected representatives, env. NGOs, employers, State) Led to the adoption of environmental framework laws Grenelle I and Grenelle II Acceleration and amplification of « classic » programmes : buildings, energy, transport, … The development of new shared issues. Ex: consumption; make the supply of green products : more visible (environmental information) more credible (better control of advertising) more accessible (bonus malus, incentives) The origin of the French approach : the « Grenelle de l’environnement »
4 Act on supply…and demand ! Tool mix: voluntary (voluntary agreements with retailers and other sectors, sustainable public procurement), regulatory (labelling, CSR), incentives (bonus-malus, green « zero-rate » loans) New governance (strong multi-actor and open approach, ex: reinforcement and opening of the organisms controlling green commercial claims, very participative Platform for the environmental labelling methods), Public sector leading by example – Etat exemplaire Sustainable consumption and production (SCP)
08/05/10 SCP tools Bonus malus on cars: in 2 years (end 2007 to end 2009), decrease of 16g CO 2 /km average emissions of new sold cars (France now best performing EU MS) Buildings: strengthened thermal standards, « zero rate » green loans (thermal renovation, renewable energies), sustainable development tax break (crédit d’impôt développement durable) : 6 million households FR very active EU ecolabel & eco-design Sustainable public procurement: national action plan, Promotion of fair trade products Voluntary agreements with retailers on sustainable and green products, waste, energy efficiency etc..
08/05/10 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Strengthening of the legislation on social and environmental reporting by large companies (more companies, reinforced reporting modalities, verification etc..) Inter-interministerial and stakeholders networks on CSR Establishment of an on-line CSR platform Stakeholders working group to reflect on CSR criteria and labels Promotion by the Ministry of Socially responsible / ethical investments (ISR: investissements socialement responsables) Sector voluntary agreements with the Ministry
08/05/10 Sustainable consumption : consumer product labelling Key tool: Environmental product information labelling (display): Direct objective, medium term : consumers (providing information on the environmental impacts) Indirect objective, short term : producers (measuring the impacts) Initiatives in many countries…some French specificities : multicriteria (not only carbon), and regulatory perspective…(after national experimentation)
08/05/10 Environmental product information ADEME-AFNOR Platform and working groups with industry and stakeholders to develop the methods (impact measurement) and the tools (database, calculators) General methodology and product category rules, database National experimentation : 168 companies (all sectors, all sizes, and including several foreign ones) testing for one year from environmental product information to the consumers Evaluation to be sent to Parliament to decide on generalisation
08/05/10 Voluntary initiatives already on the market
10 Merci pour votre attention ! Bernard Brillet tel: