Community Legal Education Online: CLEONet Prepared by Fiona MacCool CLEONet Project Manager Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) Learn, Grow, Connect: Practicing Community Legal Education in a Diverse Ontario October 7, 2008
What is CLEONet? A web site for community workers and advocates. CLEONet provides information to help you help your clients understand and exercise their legal rights. CLEONet has resources, news, and events produced and submitted by hundreds of community organizations and legal clinics across Ontario.resourcesnewsevents
You can use CLEONet to increase your knowledge of the law develop legal information materials and workshops for your clients learn about law reform campaigns, key changes in the law, and community events share your legal education materials promote your events and campaigns.
CLEONet Home Page (cont’d)
Resources (cont’d)
Legal Topic page (cont’d)
Resource page (cont’d)
What is next for CLEONet? Launch a French section for CLEONet where it will be easier for users to browse our collection of over 380 resources in French Develop a multilingual portal, a more user- friendly gateway to our growing collection of legal information in languages other than English or French Establish the CLEONetwork, an online community of practice for people and organizations that provide legal information in Ontario.
CLEONet Multilingual Portal Mock-up
Sample Portuguese Page (cont’d)
CLEONetwork (cont’d)
Feedback Questions How can CLEONet be made more useful to you in your work? What suggestions do you have for how we can help expand and promote our content feeds across Ontario? CLEONetwork - What kind of interactive network would be useful to you in your community legal education work? What tools or information would you be hoping to find there, and what would you be willing to share as potential members to make it useful and sustainable?
Community Legal Education Ontario T: ext Keep in touch!