THE WEST PROJECT AND RELATED ACTIVITIES AT CEA-IRFM 24/09/2012ADAS WORKSHOP | PAGE 1 CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012 R. Guirlet, J. Bucalossi, M. Firdaouss, Y. Marandet, O. Meyer, R. Sabot
LAYOUT The WEST project: a test bench for ITER CFPs Motivation and assets Diagnostics for W sources and core density Schedule and costs Current physics activities : mostly focussed on WEST WEST-like plasmas in AUG W spectroscopy in Tore Supra Impurity transport Studies of broader interest | PAGE 2 ADAS workshop sept. 2012
1. THE WEST PROJECT (1/4) - MOTIVATION | PAGE 3ADAS workshop sept Assets Superconducting toroidal coils Non-inductive plasma current generation Actively cooled PFCs Integrated real time control Programme W actively cooled Plasma Facing Component testing Extending high confinement regimes towards steady states Exploring PWI with a W actively cooled environment Contributing to the fusion science programme The WEST project, CEA/IRFM project report, J. Bucalossi et al., 2011
1. THE WEST PROJECT (2/4) - FLUXES AND FLUENCES | PAGE 4 ADAS workshop sept Modelled heat fluxes and particle fluences comparable to expected ITER fluxes I P = MA B T = 3.7 T n e = 4-9 m -3 P add = MW Heat flux (MW/m 2 ) Abscissa along lower divertor plate (m) Heat fluxes on div. plates : MW/m 2 (depends on scenario) Fluences: 1 ITER pulse WEST exp. days Courtesy M. Firdaouss q = 5 mm q = 10 mm q = 15 mm
1. THE WEST PROJECT (3/4) - W DIAGNOSTICS | PAGE 5 ADAS workshop sept W sources : monitor all sources if possible Optical fibers (200) : endoscopes and in situ Spatial resolution : 1 cm (lower div.) - 10 cm (ant.) 'Multiplexer' to spectrometers (20 views/spectrom.) Reflection on metallic walls! W in the core (and other elements) 2 GIS (Schwob-Fraenkel) 1 scanning view on lower plasma half (lower div.) 1 horizontal view Both included in real time control system SPRED ? 2D crystal spectrometer
1. THE WEST PROJECT (4/4) - SCHEDULE | PAGE 6 ADAS workshop sept (If) ITER goes for a full W divertor, WEST will contribute to risk minimization for the full W divertor manufacturing and operation Total cost: M€ (vis. spectroscopy: 400 k€), to be funded by CEA, Federation of French fusion labs, international collaborations, etc.
ELMs (H ) H 98 P NBI, P ECRH P rad 2. WEST-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES(1/3) - SCENARIO | PAGE 7 ADAS workshop sept Unknowns and risks: X-point close to plate H mode threshold ? H mode sustainable (impurity flux through separatrix)? Divertor plasma ? 'WEST-like' experiment in AUG - Confinement as in standard configuration - L-H threshold extrapolated to WEST : 3.2 MW - c W in the core even with low ECRH Further study planned (related to IO): - upper X point (flux on target, W measts) - ICRH as main heating method
2. WEST-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES(2/3) - W SPECTROSCOPY AND SOL STUDY | PAGE 8 ADAS workshop sept W spectral features with GIS (Schwob-Fraenkel) W 27+ -W 35+ quasi continuum, Å (600 gr/mm) W 44+, W 45+ (600gr/mm) before W injection after W injection GIS will investigate up to 1000 Å with 150 gr/mm grating O. Meyer, accepted in JNM
2. WEST-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES(2/3) - W SPECTROSCOPY AND SOL STUDY | PAGE 9 ADAS workshop sept W screening in the SOL 'Pepper-shaker' on reciprocating shaft (probe) Injections at a controlled radius Spring Reservoir of solid W(CO)6 Reservoir of W(CO)6 gas Langmuir probes (local jsat, M//, Te, Vfl) Δr LCFS (mm) CWCW LBO Pepper shaker cWcW Number of atoms and injection location controlled W penetration when injection radius , saturates close to LCFS? First step toward SOL transport study M. Kocan, accepted in RSI O. Meyer, accepted in JNM
2. WEST-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES(3/3) - STUDIES OF MORE GENERAL INTEREST | PAGE 10 ADAS workshop sept Impurity behaviour in sawtooth cycles He jet spectroscopy for n e, T e measts Fast SXR analysis See D. Vézinet in diagnostics session Ar CX data comparison See R. Dux in CX session Before crashAfter crash Persistent structure indicates incomplete particle exhaust 3D modelling (XTOR) - Experiment: space and time resolution: 1 cm - 40 s ? T. Nicolas, TH/P3-21, IAEA 2012
SUMMARY - CONCLUSION | PAGE 11 ADAS workshop sept Effort concentrated on the WEST project Development of visible and soft-X ray spectroscopy diagnostics W spectroscopy for source and transport studies Real time control based on impurity measurements Experiments on W-wall machines (AUG, JET) to develop long pulse scenarios Pursue investigations of broader interest Impurity transport: exp/theory comparisons (electron heating) All these subjects are studied in the frame of various collaborations - new ones are welcome.
DSM IRFM Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Centre de Cadarache | Saint Paul Lez Durance Cedex T. +33 (0) | F. +33 (0) Etablissement public à caractère industriel et commercial | RCS Paris B | PAGE 12 CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012