THE WEST PROJECT AND RELATED ACTIVITIES AT CEA-IRFM 24/09/2012ADAS WORKSHOP | PAGE 1 CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012 R. Guirlet, J. Bucalossi, M. Firdaouss, Y. Marandet,


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Presentation transcript:

THE WEST PROJECT AND RELATED ACTIVITIES AT CEA-IRFM 24/09/2012ADAS WORKSHOP | PAGE 1 CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012 R. Guirlet, J. Bucalossi, M. Firdaouss, Y. Marandet, O. Meyer, R. Sabot

LAYOUT The WEST project: a test bench for ITER CFPs  Motivation and assets  Diagnostics for W sources and core density  Schedule and costs Current physics activities : mostly focussed on WEST  WEST-like plasmas in AUG  W spectroscopy in Tore Supra  Impurity transport  Studies of broader interest | PAGE 2 ADAS workshop sept. 2012

1. THE WEST PROJECT (1/4) - MOTIVATION | PAGE 3ADAS workshop sept Assets  Superconducting toroidal coils  Non-inductive plasma current generation  Actively cooled PFCs  Integrated real time control Programme  W actively cooled Plasma Facing Component testing  Extending high confinement regimes towards steady states  Exploring PWI with a W actively cooled environment  Contributing to the fusion science programme The WEST project, CEA/IRFM project report, J. Bucalossi et al., 2011

1. THE WEST PROJECT (2/4) - FLUXES AND FLUENCES | PAGE 4 ADAS workshop sept Modelled heat fluxes and particle fluences comparable to expected ITER fluxes  I P = MA  B T = 3.7 T  n e = 4-9  m -3  P add = MW Heat flux (MW/m 2 ) Abscissa along lower divertor plate (m)  Heat fluxes on div. plates :  MW/m 2 (depends on scenario)  Fluences: 1 ITER pulse  WEST exp. days Courtesy M. Firdaouss q = 5 mm q = 10 mm q = 15 mm

1. THE WEST PROJECT (3/4) - W DIAGNOSTICS | PAGE 5 ADAS workshop sept W sources : monitor all sources if possible  Optical fibers (200) : endoscopes and in situ  Spatial resolution : 1 cm (lower div.) - 10 cm (ant.)  'Multiplexer' to spectrometers (20 views/spectrom.)  Reflection on metallic walls! W in the core (and other elements)  2 GIS (Schwob-Fraenkel) 1 scanning view on lower plasma half (lower div.) 1 horizontal view  Both included in real time control system  SPRED ?  2D crystal spectrometer

1. THE WEST PROJECT (4/4) - SCHEDULE | PAGE 6 ADAS workshop sept (If) ITER goes for a full W divertor, WEST will contribute to risk minimization for the full W divertor manufacturing and operation Total cost: M€ (vis. spectroscopy: 400 k€), to be funded by CEA, Federation of French fusion labs, international collaborations, etc.

ELMs (H  ) H 98 P NBI, P ECRH P rad 2. WEST-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES(1/3) - SCENARIO | PAGE 7 ADAS workshop sept Unknowns and risks: X-point close to plate   H mode threshold ?  H mode sustainable (impurity flux through separatrix)?  Divertor plasma ?  'WEST-like' experiment in AUG - Confinement as in standard configuration - L-H threshold extrapolated to WEST : 3.2 MW - c W  in the core even with low ECRH Further study planned (related to IO): - upper X point (flux on target, W measts) - ICRH as main heating method

2. WEST-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES(2/3) - W SPECTROSCOPY AND SOL STUDY | PAGE 8 ADAS workshop sept W spectral features with GIS (Schwob-Fraenkel) W 27+ -W 35+ quasi continuum,  Å (600 gr/mm) W 44+, W 45+ (600gr/mm) before W injection after W injection  GIS will investigate up to 1000 Å with 150 gr/mm grating O. Meyer, accepted in JNM

2. WEST-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES(2/3) - W SPECTROSCOPY AND SOL STUDY | PAGE 9 ADAS workshop sept W screening in the SOL  'Pepper-shaker' on reciprocating shaft (probe)  Injections at a controlled radius Spring Reservoir of solid W(CO)6 Reservoir of W(CO)6 gas Langmuir probes (local jsat, M//, Te, Vfl) Δr LCFS (mm) CWCW LBO Pepper shaker cWcW Number of atoms and injection location controlled W penetration  when injection radius , saturates close to LCFS?  First step toward SOL transport study M. Kocan, accepted in RSI O. Meyer, accepted in JNM

2. WEST-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES(3/3) - STUDIES OF MORE GENERAL INTEREST | PAGE 10 ADAS workshop sept Impurity behaviour in sawtooth cycles He jet spectroscopy for n e, T e measts Fast SXR analysis See D. Vézinet in diagnostics session Ar CX data comparison See R. Dux in CX session Before crashAfter crash Persistent structure indicates incomplete particle exhaust  3D modelling (XTOR) - Experiment: space and time resolution: 1 cm - 40  s ? T. Nicolas, TH/P3-21, IAEA 2012

SUMMARY - CONCLUSION | PAGE 11 ADAS workshop sept Effort concentrated on the WEST project  Development of visible and soft-X ray spectroscopy diagnostics  W spectroscopy for source and transport studies  Real time control based on impurity measurements  Experiments on W-wall machines (AUG, JET) to develop long pulse scenarios Pursue investigations of broader interest  Impurity transport: exp/theory comparisons (electron heating) All these subjects are studied in the frame of various collaborations - new ones are welcome.

DSM IRFM Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Centre de Cadarache | Saint Paul Lez Durance Cedex T. +33 (0) | F. +33 (0) Etablissement public à caractère industriel et commercial | RCS Paris B | PAGE 12 CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012