Information Sources
Tearfund Country Profiles
Information Sources Adaptation Learning Mechanism Joint UNDP, UNEP, World Bank and Global Environment Facility project Country profiles under development Predicted changes in temperature, precipitation, climate-related disaster risks, projected climate-related impacts Summary of National Communication, Links to Adaptation Initiatives Contribute learning
National Communications Almost all governments have submitted NCs to the UNFCCC Includes: inventory of greenhouse gas emissions inventory of loss of greenhouse gas sinks national vulnerability to climate change steps taken towards implementing the convention on climate change at a national level
NAPAs National Adaptation Programmes of Action Programmes of action Also part of UNFCCC LDCs receive assistance Build on experiences and strategies at community- level Identify priority adaptation activities to reduce country vulnerability Contain info on: climate, risks, water/ natural resources, development challenges, adaptation priorities, barriers to addressing CC, capacity building Contain Government and stakeholder contacts
National Focal Points Government climate change focal point person Contact details on the UNFCCC website Useful first point of contact to government departments for data and information Develop ties for advocacy work
Established by World Meteorological Organisation Summaries of scientific research & advice on climate change according to region Impacts on ecosystems and societies Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change
USAID Provides short country profiles from USAID’s perspective of the impact of global climate change on the countries where it works
UNEP/GRID-Arendal Environment and sustainable development resources Maps and graphics by region Thematic content Deforestation coastal intrusion correlations of freshwater biodiversity and poverty Earthwire regional climate news useful reports for Africa and Central Europe For maps and graphics:
Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) (USAID-funded) Early warning and vulnerability information on emerging and evolving food security issues in Africa, Asia and South America English, French and Portuguese
Prevention Web (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) Country information: past disasters Frequency number of people affected level of impact
DFID country profiles – climate information section DFID priority countries’ profiles containing a section on physical climatic information, socio-economic impacts and policy implications.
UNDP country profiles Country profiles containing physical climatic information on around 60 countries.
Google Earth – Hadley Centre Provided by Hadley Centre (UK Met Office) Uploaded climate change info for all countries onto Google Earth