GOES Applications: Research and Management of Living Marine Resources in the Central and Western Pacific David G. Foley Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research - University of Hawaii R. Michael Laurs Honolulu Laboratory NOAA Fisheries GOES-R User Workshop II 1-3 October 2002 Boulder, CO
Overview l Support of NOAA Fisheries missions l Relevant oceanic scales l Specific Applications l Integration with other data sets l Data Management l Prospects/requests for the future GOES series
NOAA Fisheries Missions l Basic Missions Build and maintain sustainable fisheries Build and maintain sustainable fisheries Protect and recover endangered species Protect and recover endangered species Identify and maintain essential fish habitat Identify and maintain essential fish habitat l Support of Treaties MHLC MHLC
l Locating Oceanic Convergence Marine debris ($2 M / year) Marine debris ($2 M / year) Long-line fisheries ($100 M / anum) Long-line fisheries ($100 M / anum) Interaction of LL fishery and turtles ($100 M / year) Interaction of LL fishery and turtles ($100 M / year) l Expanded coverage of GOES SST Mesoscale carbon flux Mesoscale carbon flux Guided sampling of research ships Guided sampling of research ships Specific Applications
Ocean Features Important In Fisheries l Ocean ‘fronts’, boundaries, ‘edges’ l Mesoscale circulation patterns, e.g., eddies, meanders, ‘loops’ l Convergence zones l Vertical thermal topography l Ocean surface winds l Wave heights
Hawaii Longline Closures
Monk Seal Entangled in Marine Debris
North Pacific Subtropical Convergence
Wind Stress Curl ERS2 January - March 1998
ERS2 Curl and AVHRR SST 18 C Isotherm
ERS2 Curl, AVHRR 18 C SST and SeaWiFS 0.2 Chl a
Curl, 18 C, 0.2 Chl a and Swordfish CPUE
Curl, SST, Chl a, Swordfish CPUE and Turtle Tracks
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Subtropical Convergence
Possible Approach to Define Time and Area Closures l Identify habitats using satellite sensors, e.g. Areas of convergence - Wind Stress Curl (QuikSCAT and ADEOS-II) Areas of convergence - Wind Stress Curl (QuikSCAT and ADEOS-II) Swordfish habitat - 18 C Isotherm (GOES, AVHRR GAC and MODIS) Swordfish habitat - 18 C Isotherm (GOES, AVHRR GAC and MODIS) Marine turtle habitat Chlorophyll (MODIS AM/PM) Marine turtle habitat Chlorophyll (MODIS AM/PM) l Model anticipated longline fishery interactions l Adjust fishery closures accordingly l Guide vessels for at-sea Debris Recovery
Coral Reef Monitoring
Data Integration l Essential types of integration Ground truth Ground truth n Improves satellite products
Comparing Different Spatial Scales Comparing Different Spatial Scales
SST at Maro Reef l Define minimum acceptable performance l Know when it works l Know when it fails l Devise regional calibrations
Data Integration l Essential types of integration Ground truth Ground truth n Improves satellite data Sky truth Sky truth n Improves in situ collection method
Winds at French Frigate Shoals l Identified discrepancy between satellite and in situ l Tested additional in situ platforms l Corrected error in mooring data
Product Development l Understand Regional Characteristics Climatic conditions Climatic conditions Physical dynamics Physical dynamics Ecological interest Ecological interest l Focus on application Choose appropriate platform Choose appropriate platform Work through example Work through example Deliver product (and technology) Deliver product (and technology)
l High quality digital data from central processing NRT from NESDIS|ORA and OSDPD NRT from NESDIS|ORA and OSDPD NRT from NASA and ESA NRT from NASA and ESA l Regional products at local nodes Targeted development through partnerships with end users Targeted development through partnerships with end users Flexible distribution schemes Flexible distribution schemes Data Management Near Real Time
l Delayed science-quality data sets Basic data from large archives Basic data from large archives n E.g., NASA DAACs, ESA, NOAA|SAA Extracted time series Extracted time series Climatologies Climatologies Complementary in situ data Complementary in situ data Data Management Supporting Data
Desirements - General l Near-Real Time (< 11 hours) l Cloud-Cleared SST l Historical Data Sets l Spatial Coverage to include Western Pacific. l Hourly Solar Irradiance l Ocean Color Capacity (e.g., SEI)
Desirements - Specific Central Pacific Resolution Time < 3 hr Space < 5 km Data Quality Absolute < 0.5 C Relative < 0.5 C West CONUS Resolution Time < 1 hr Space < 1 km Data Quality Absolute < 1.0 C Relative < 1.0 C East CONUS And GoM Resolution Time < 1 hr Space < 2 km Data Quality Absolute < 1.0 C Relative < 1.0 C