PERL International Conference: A Decade of Responsible Living: Preparing, Engaging, Responding and Learning Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy.


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Presentation transcript:

PERL International Conference: A Decade of Responsible Living: Preparing, Engaging, Responding and Learning Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy. François Jégou Strategic Design Scenario Christophe Gouache Strategic Design Scenario Sandrine Fournis French Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development and Energy

2 How a design-driven approach can support participative policy making? Agenda 21 Local France national recognition policy: a criticized and sucesfull process…

3 11 NATIONAL AND REGIONAL WORKGROUPS 150 INSTITUTIONS AND 250 CO-DESIGN MEN-DAYS OF ENGAGED STAKEHOLDERS CO-DESIGN …organizing a logistic process at national scale …the progressive redesign of the new recognition process as a backbone and articulation for the 11 workgroups

4 DOING BEFORE THINKING …implementing new practices before discussing them …mock-up of an online contributive mapping process to pass from a top- down national coaching to peer-to-peer between resources and stakehollders

5 EXPERIMENTATION …iterative co-elaboration of a visioning toolbox …5 loops of piloting and up-grading with different territories/governance levels to fine tune the toolbox

6 SIMULATION …realistic mock-ups to stimulate the strategic conversation …a fake advertisement campaign to explore with stakeholders possible shift of the image and perception of Agenda 21 processes

7 QUICK PROTOTYPING …quick and not too dirty to try before to deploy …a new portal based only on republication of contents posted by the regional and local levels to test a national posture of brokers between territories

8 DIFFUSION …an exhibition reporting format to facilitate dissemination …progresses and outputs presented as a set of manifestos to be used in exhibition format and display supports for ambassadors on the territories

9 Elements of conclusion: A national level looking for a new posture: from top-down command and control to a broker? A lighter, more flexible and bold process including any systemic sustainable development territorial project? Design-driven approach both as a tool and a mean for policy making?