MIFIRA Framework Lecture 3 Other response analysis tools Chris Barrett and Erin Lentz February 2012
Lecture Overview: 2 Multiple approaches to market assessments vary by: Objectives Approaches Users Audiences (sometimes) Methodology Briefly examine: Oxfam – EMMA WFP – EFSA and CFSVA FEWs – Market Assessment and Analysis Tradeoffs across approaches
Various Approaches to Market Analysis EMMA, CFSVA/EFSA, FEWS Net, MIFIRA (and other techniques) share common elements. Approaches differs due to objectives, and speed/breadth tradeoffs Can draw on many of the same data sources and findings from others’ use of other tools. None are mechanical formulae. MIFIRA objective is more specific than most: identify the context of food markets facing the target food insecure population and likely behavioral response of key market participants so as to identify the resource most appropriate to the circumstance. 3
Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (EMMA): 4 Objective Approach Duration of assessment Users Audience
EMMA: Market System Baseline Map for Beans in Haiti in Source: Albu
EMMA: Market System Emergency- updated Map for Beans in Haiti in Source: Albu
EMMA: Response Analysis: Supply Market Systems 7 Source: Albu
WFP: Emergency Food Security Assessment and Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Assessment 8 Objective Approach Duration of assessment Users Audience
WFP Comprehensive Food Security & Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) 9 Source: World Food Program 2009.
WFP EFSA: Step two of response analysis 10 Following identification of possible responses, undertake a SWOT analysis –strengths and weakness (i.e., appropriateness) of the options compatibility with needs stigmatize recipients, divert them from other tasks feasibility –realistic targeting –timeliness of response –opportunities and threats that may affect the response e.g., improving / deteriorating security
Famine Early Warning System (FEWs): Market Assessment and Analysis 11 Objective Approach Duration of assessment Users Audience
FEWs: Market Assessment and Analysis: Annex 12: Typical Markets Questions for Cash vs Food Response Choices (lesson 2, p. 39) 12
Tradeoffs and Choices 13 Objectives: –Components of a response analysis –Range of interventions Approach –Data requirements (e.g., reliance on baselines and/or primary data) –Duration of the assessment User capacity –Technical and field capacity requirements Audience