June 1, 2010
Agenda Welcome - Introductions A Word from our ALP Students Goals Challenges Study of Two Additional Languages Program ALP Courses Offered in Realities and Important Considerations Student Characteristics Language Pathways Mother Tongue Question and Answers
Introductions Wenjing Wang, WS China Studies/Chinese Language Contact: Chinese A ALP Camille Sebban, MS Language HOD, in charge of ALP Eleanor Brock, MT Language Coordinator Cathy Jones, HS AP, HS Languages Kevin Rose, MS AP, MS Languages Donna Connolly, MS Principal, MS Languages
Student Presentations Richard Ko: Grade 6, has been part of the After School/Noon Hour program for 1 year. Richard studies Chinese within the timetable, and Beginner’s French outside of the timetable. Emily Rassi: Grade 7, has been part of the After School/Noon Hour Language Program (Spanish) for two years. Emily studies Chinese within the timetable.
Goals Allow students to study two languages (in addition to English) or to study an additional language while enrolled in our EAP or LSP programs Assist our students in maintaining their MT Connect our beliefs about languages with our course structure and language offerings Maintain a sustainable model
Challenges Developing programs that meet our students’ needs Developing programs that match our philosophy/beliefs Fitting programs within our MYP framework Developing strategies for solutions Curricular Balance Timetable Staffing Costs Critical Mass Sustainability Developing programs that meet our students’ needs Developing programs that match our philosophy/beliefs Fitting programs within our MYP framework Developing strategies for solutions Curricular Balance Timetable Staffing Costs Critical Mass Sustainability
Study of Two Additional Languages 2005-present Timetable Solutions: Courses offered through a combination of after-school/lunch hour lessons Total of 150 Minutes per week (as opposed to 200 minutes) Possible Course Timetable Structure: 105 minutes on Monday or Thursday after school plus 45 minutes during one lunch-hour Key Points: Offered a minimum of twice per week Flexibility of times offered can meet the needs of that student group
Lunch and After-School Language Courses 2010/11 Tentative* Mandarin Language B, Foundation Mandarin Language B, Standard 1/2 Mandarin Language B, Standard 3/Advanced Mandarin Language A (Middle School Only) French Language B Foundation 1 French Language B Foundation 2 French Language B Standard Spanish Language B Foundation 1 Spanish Language B Foundation 2/ Standard 1 HS Spanish Language B Standard 2/3 * Available depending upon enrollment of 4 or more students per class and teacher availability
Important Considerations for Students and Parents A Noon Hour/After School Course is a Ninth Course with full curriculum, course demands and extra homework Time constraints Course times will be offered during some ASA times (thus conflict for some students) One or two shortened lunch hours for students plus afterschool Full year course This course is much more rigorous, demanding than language ASAs Mother Tongue Language Courses are organized and funded by the community (except Language of instruction and host country) Noon Hour/After School Courses are available as staffing allows
Characteristics of Successful Student Who Study Two Additional Languages Motivation Commitment Organization Effort Facility for language learning
Language Pathways
MS Danish MS Finnish MS Swedish MS French (tentative) Other languages are possible where there is a need and community support is available WAB’s Current MT Programs (not part of ALP program)
Why is Mother Tongue Important? Developing MT language and literacy: Ensures continuous cognitive development (research supports the cognitive benefits of bilingualism) Increases positive re-adjustment to home community Gives the opportunity to continue content learning independently while developing proficiency in the language of instruction Facilitates learning additional language(s) Enables intercultural awareness
Mother Tongue Guidelines at WAB The school actively promotes and supports mother tongue programs and should provide for the development of such programs. The Director is responsible for the MT Program. MT language programs should not adversely impact WAB’s programs of studies. The guiding principle is equity between all programs. Direct costs of programs should be paid for by the parents of the students, i.e. language teacher, books, etc. The indirect costs will be paid by the school, i.e. coordination, classroom space.
Guiding Principles for MT Languages for WAB is supportive of MT language development Equity across MT Sustainable for all languages Community Operated and Self/Community-Funded
Questions and Answers
Contact Information For further information we can also be contacted at: Donna Connolly, MS Principal Wenjing Wang, HOD Chinese Camille Sebban, MS Language HOD Eleanor Brock, MT Language Coordinator Cathy Jones, HS AP Kevin Rose, MS AP