Rome, 1- 4 July 2012 The EU funded project “Paving the Way for the MSP: Knowledge Transfer/ Capacity Building ” Anna De Lillo The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission The EC launched many important projects in the Energy sector PWMSP: Renewable Energy Sources - Valorise the results that have been achieved - Create a conducive climate and framework to the MSP - Establish and develop an integrated Euro-Mediterranean “Green Energy Market” Project Budget: 4,642,500 Euros Duration: Project Start 1 September 2010 Establishment of Project Headquarters in Cairo in March 2011 Project Satellite office in Rabat in August 2011 Appointment of >50 non-key experts and LT experts. Outputs: 42 reports (drafts under peer review or final Deliverables). History and Framework
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission UfM Secretariat MEDREG Med-TSO Medgrid Desertec IMME Action Plan French Global Environment Fund (FGEF) RCREEE OME Plan Bleu APSM/GIZ IFIs: EIB, WB etc others Algeria Egypt Israel Jordan Lebanon Libya* Morocco Palestine Syria* Tunisia * Libya: recently joined the MPCs * Syria: Activities suspended Project Headquarters in Cairo March 2011 Project Satellite office in Rabat Aug. 2011
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission Four Vertical Tasks Task 1: Harmonized legislative and regulatory framework Task 2: Knowledge Transfer & Capacity Building Task 3: Support to the implementation of sustainable energy policies Task 4: Support to Investment Two Horizontal Tasks Task A: Mediterranean Grid Task B: Support of MSP implementation Project Activities Sub-task 2.1: Improved intra- & inter- regional transfer of knowledge Activity 2.1.2: Road-map for cooperation Activity 2.1.3: International Seminar on EuroMed cooperation in R&D Activity 2.1.4: Follow-up of knowledge transfer Sub-Task 2.2: Capacity-building Activity 2.2.1: Clean technology platform Activity 2.2.2: Strategic Research Agenda and implementation plan Activity 2.2.3: Training programmes Project Tasks & Activities
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission Activity 2.2.1: Training needs assessment of beneficiary countries. Activity 2.2.2: “Ad hoc” Training programmes Sub-Task 2.2: Capacity-building
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission Designing and Installation of photovoltaic systems Installers of PV systems Trainers of installers of PV systems Four days courses The experts are from ENEA (Italian Agency for new technology, energy and economic sustainable development) Acknowledge to EDCO for the hospitality Acknowledge to Mr. Eng. Suhibe Obeidat for tutorship
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission