Jean Jacques Roussaeu Bryan Samuel Daniel Casale Collin Browse Per. 4 Mrs. Schartner U.S. History
Biography Born June 28, 1712 In Geneva Switzerland. Left parentless at an early age His self education began at 16 when he started to work for Madame Louis de Warden At a young age he had many jobs to help sustain himself
Works His most influential work was the Social Contract Discourse on Inequality Discourse on Arts and Sciences Emile First discourse on confessions
Philosophical Ideas Believed in human rights Believed people should have power to make laws Influenced by ideas of classical republicanism Did not want countries too big Liked idea of city state “Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains”
Beliefs in Government Man has to be taught before he acquires knowledge He believes that politics and morality should not be separated Believes greatly in freedom Modern Democracy ideas were influenced by Rousseau
American Ideals Rousseau belief in human rights and freedom is vital part of American Government Believed that the average citizen could influence their country Wanted a government free of corruption
List of Works Cited "Jean Jacques Rousseau." Web.. "European Enlightenment." Web..