Dimuon Forward Spectrometer May 2008 Cosmic Run Day by Day report Interesting runs
Monday 2 th June Start standalone run with St1&2 in the morning –a few busy at SOD; no common pattern, crocus randomly are busy at start of run…. Include MCH in global with SPD (2 trigger classes) –SPD has some problem, but since 2 trigger classes were defined MCH was able to continue to take data normally Back in standalone to upgrade St3 crocus software –some problems when updating 2568; no explanations (V.Lafage contacted; should have more info tomorrow) –Failure during update may need to remove the FRT… 16h30 meeting : Cosmic run planning is delayed for 1 week ! DCS, DAQ/ECS, CTP night shifts are cancelled. Magnet test are changed change the plan for local commissioning. No DCS shifts is a big problem for MTR no SLIMOS present and the flammable gas is in ! New planning for MCH+MTR has to be defined : more details tomorrow Magnet (L3+dipole) test on Friday ( cleaning thursday)
Tuesday 3 th June Spend the whole trying to solve the problem of crocus update of St3 Mamu fixed the problems on station bus patches; full station 2 can be read out –still a problem with HV on CH3Left bottom.. see later 16h30 meeting : Space frame lift up by 4mm in the morning ; advised concerned detector to switch off. CTP software upgrade in the Wednesday morning. TRD saw 600Hz correlated noise; probably not related to the Wiener PS modification.
Wednesday 4 th June few standalone runs with St1&2 in the morning –after a lot of discussion with V.Lafage; I manage to update all St3 crocus. Problem was in the loaded file (old version); this will be improve in the future. –to get the current crocus version : > boot –m –c > init …. –f … > crocusVersion.x … > getCmdRes.x …. > parseCrocusVersion CmdRes.txt HV high currents are most probably correlated with the humidity : this has to be followed carefully MTR will be ready tomorrow morning to deliver muon single triggers. 16h30 meeting : no news. Some discussion about the trigger upgrade: is it necessary to do it now …?
Thursday 5 th June Configuring and updating software for Chamber 5 and 9. We have been able to take pedestal and standalone runs with Station 1&2, chamber 5 and chamber 9 (4/5 LDC, 12/20 DDL) –modified power supplies have improved the situation but there’s still some residual noise components that should be understood HV high currents are most probably correlated with the humidity : this has to be followed carefully –+ since this morning the Ar/CO2 mixture has shown large fluctuations ; explaining the trips seen at 1200 V in station 1,2 and 3 !! –gas group is informed, they will have a look at it tomorrow. The solution for tonight is to keep the voltage low MTR joined global partition in the cluster dedicated to our data taking. We should join them soon…. 2 interlocks cables have been made interlock test is now possible. See with Andre Global run in the late evening : Station 1&2, chamber 5 and chamber 9 (readout problem on chamber 5, a patch bus has been removed). 16h30 meeting : Raw data of Feb/March will not be deleted (technical problems). No access tomorrow from 9 to 24h.
Friday 6 th June Dipole tests : ramp up to 6 kA Planning meeting : dipole can be switched on 9,10 and 11 from 18h00 to 8h00 (during the night). If dipole has to be switch off, one should ask the DCS operator to call the CCC. fill (Herve, Yves) an EDH to bring back the test bench on thurday L3 on durink week 25 and 26 no access to the cavern on 14 and 15th. Some troubles after 17h00 with chamber 5; could start a run… –not possible to debug by a shifter Slats experts should solve the problem –chamber 5 had to be excluded from readout. Gas is back to normal but still a few trips seen on chamber 9 –experts should configure and document the nominal HV values asap ! + problem with crocus 2577 (Chamber 9). Get busy very often : current is also a bit high). Need to be check ! 16h30 meeting :
Saturday 7 th June Some trouble to start the detector –a few trips on Chamber 9 inside even at low voltages (~1000V); gas flow is stable. One should check for gas leaks Run in global partition with SPD and PMD for HLT tests; no problems Joined the Alice_Multi partition with MTR single muon trigger. Some clusters seen with MOOD (see run list) Goal for next week (when dipole will be turned) should be to include back a (the best/low noise) DDL of chamber 5 in the readout. 16h30 meeting : nothing special
General Planning Week 24 (June 9) –Goal: try to make global run (Muon Trigger) included as much as we can tracking chambers Switch ON dipole: -test mainly for Crocus station 3 close to coil - global run with dipole ON
Monday 9th Status: –During the week-end, succeeded global run (Muon trigger) with St1+St2+CH9L; but some trips on CH9L –Status on chambers: CH1 Ok; CH2: 3 rows missing in R/O CH3: missing bottom left quadrant (problem with HV) + 1 row missing; CH4: 1 row missing Rq: as seen before more noise on quadrants of Station 2 right than left (on the external part: noise can go to 7 #) CH5: several bus patch and Manu missing; very high noise CH9L: DE911 and DE915 removed CH9R: cannot run pedestal; seen high noise, weeks ago. Gas + HV: most of the detectors can stay at 1650 V; some trips, decrease to 1600 V (except few slats: to check gas….); humidity was 47% Temperature: CH5 LV + dipole + cooling: less than 30° (good) –Read-out: lot of problems to run ped or stand-alone due to busy on Crocus or also format (CDH…); these problems seem increasing with the number of Crocus, LDC. –Dipole ON starting at 6 pm; stop at 10 pm because of high temp on the inlet part of the coils 5pm meeting :
Tuesday 10th Read-out: –St1 + St2 + CH5 + CH9L: we never succeeded to start a run ! –During night (10-11/06): St1 + St2 + Ch9L: succeeded in global run (after lots of attempts) –Stand-alone: CH5 only: ped & physics OK; Station 1 + CH5: ped OK; physics not… Dipole on from 8 pm during night for new tests : OK 5pm meeting :
Wednesday 11th Work on chambers –CH5: repaired bus patches except for DE517 (bp 6 & 7) which is not accessible (at least presently) Ped run : OK ; calibration run : OK Noise : not changed –CH9L: DE915 was OK so changed the configuration to put in the daq Ped run (37466): OK except on bus patch (pedestal very high): bp 1641 DE517 Calibration: OK except on same bus patch ( very high) –CH9R: Crocus software must not be the same than for the other Crocus; cannot boot (have not the same answers…): so the software has first to be reinstalled DSO test from 6 pm during night: no access in cavern No dipole Still very difficult (even impossible for some configuration) 5pm meeting :
Wednesday 11th (bis) : CH5 (ped + calib) Pedestal Gain
Wednesday 11th (bis) : CH9 (ped + calib) pedestalgain
Thursday 12th Tests on L3 Try some configurations for read-out Investigate noise problems on CH5 and CH9 Basically: –we cannot run with a “large” configuration (including all the available chambers) – due to high noise in CH5, the dipole effect cannot be seen (if any); so dipole not so important now –Difficult to investigate for noise due to difficult access; in dipole if L3 ON (tests), in cavern (tomorrow Friday) because L3+ dipole ON…. 5pm meeting :
Sunday 15th Standalone test : –St1+St2+Ch9L : looks stable –Ch9R has a problem : voltage on crocus should be check. Looks like FRT cannot be addressed –Chamber 5 (top left) : no problem if alone in readout. when included with the other (St1&2,Ch9L), a strange thing is observed. Ch5 is always ready from the trigger point of view, but one of the others will have systematically a crocus completely stuck !! –St1&2, Ch5TopLeft, Ch9L running in standalone : reset, ld_crocus_sw, pedestal, reset, ld_crocus_sw, standalone Run and following (pedestal 38854) St1+St2+Ch5TopLeft+Ch9L in global partition (not recorded). Random trigger at 1600 Hz. check HV archiving ! Busy problem is there but Ch5 and 9 are do cause problems !! hardware interlocks to be tested when access ask Ivan for a software interlock on LV based on the T° measurements 16h30 meeting : No global partition running. Injection test are going on in the cavern ; some “full” trip (all the detector) have been observed in the TPC and MTR. At the same time, SPD has seen tracks at high rapidity. this will be investigated. What are really these injection test ?!!
Monday 16th Standalone tests : –St1+St2+Ch5TopLeft+Ch9L : a few problems to start up a run but nothing that needed an expert intervention run and others Test with SSD for in ALICE global partition (same config) no problems at start up ! Tried to solve the problem with the trigger dispatching config : waiting for some input from G.Lalu. hardware interlocks to be tested when access ask Ivan for a software interlock on LV based on the T° measurements what do have on station 4 & 5 to control the T° ? We are completely blind; I don’t think this is safe ! 16h30 meeting :Trigger upgrade activities (new firmware installation) : modification was done for MCH could not start a run, has to go back to the former version. Last modified PS from wiener will arrive soon. Magnet is on from today 17h.
Tuesday 17th Standalone tests : –St1+St2+Ch5TopLeft : a few problems to start up a run but nothing that needed an expert intervention –Ch9 debugging (noise tests and crocus overcurrent) : no conclusion yet. Crocus currents (higher than in station 1 and 2) may be related to a difference in the cables (different section). Tried to solve the problem with the trigger dispatching config : waiting for some input from G.Lalu. hardware interlocks to be tested when access : ready to be connected. Still missing a cable for St4&5: will be pulled when L3 will be switch off. 16h30 meeting : noise “bunch” of ~150 micros seen by TPC,PHOS and TRD.
Wednesday 18th Standalone tests : –St1+St2 : ok 16h30 meeting :
Shift schedule Book your shifts as soon as possible : Documentation is still in progress :
Run list (not in global) : see more details in Local Pedestal run: –run37163 (CH5); run37466 (CH9) Calibration runs : –Run37297 (CH5); run37498 (CH9): only the results send by FES (files.par) –Run37923 (CH5): file.par also the raw data
Recorded runs in Global Partition Complete run list is available on the alice-logbook logbook.cern.ch/. Here are the most interesting ones for the dimuon tracking : logbook.cern.ch/ –35855,35856 : MCH+MTR (single muon trigger) with 0-sup at 4 sigma's, (HV = 1550V maybe some signals..?) associated pedestal run #35840 –36030 : MCH+MTR (single muon trigger) with 0-sup at 4 sigma's (HV = 1600V but not all). Some noise because pedestal file was old (+ the temperature changed) associated pedestal run #36001 –36055 : MCH+MTR (single muon trigger) with 0-sup at 4 sigma's (HV = 1600V but not all). associated pedestal run #36049 –36099 : MCH+MTR (single muon trigger) with 0-sup at 4 sigma's, (HV at correct values). associated pedestal run #36090
Recorded runs in Global Partition Runs extracted from the logbook : I don’t know the quality of the data for those runs : this has not been documented by the shifters !! –36337 : –37057 : with St1&2 only (no ½ chamber 9 anymore) –38311 : –38580 : –38603 : –38627 :