Mrs. Larkin
X- Acto Knife Used for cutting balsa wood, foam board, or paper.
Sliding T Bevel Used for marking angles
Dividers Used for transferring distances or dividing into equal sections Calipers Used for measuring internal or external measurements
Hand saw Hack Saw Coping Saw Used for cutting wood with one hand Used for cutting metal Used for making fine cuts in wood
Back Saw Saw with a tough back used for harder woods
Claw Hammer Used for pulling nails out or hitting them in Used in working metal Ball Peen Hammer
Open end Wrench Used for tightening or loosening nuts or bolts Needle Nose Pliers Used for bending or pinching wire
Rasp Used for filing or shaping wood Chisel Used for removin g small amounts of wood
Slip Joint Pliers A gripping tool Channel Locks Gripping tool with a wider mouth Box Wrench Used to tighten or loosen nuts or bolts
Wire Cutters Used for cutting wire Wire Strippers Used for stripping the plastic coating off wire
Flat Head Screwdriver Philips Head Screwdriver Scratch Awl Used for marking metal Used for removing screws with the corresponding head
Tri- Square Used for marking or measuring wood, and 90 degree angles Framing Square Used by carpenters to make 90 degree angles Combination square Used to measure, find 90 degree angles, and make level
Sledge Hammer Used to drive in stakes, using large amounts of force Rubber Mallet Used to hammer something in without damaging it
Tin Snips Used for cutting tin Aviation Shears A cutting tool Surform Used for shaping foam
Bench Plane Used for shaping flat wood surfaces Metal file Used to file metal