P OSITIVE & N EGATIVE SPACE PENDANT Cold Connection Project # 1
P OSITIVE /N EGATIVE Space: positive and negative. Positive spaces are those occupied by the main subjects of the work. Negative spaces are the areas around and behind the positive spaces.
D ESIGN 1. Sketch a design for a pendant that has both positive and negative space. 2. It can be any shape: organic, geometric? 3. Choose what metal you want to use for the front piece. 4. Choose what metal you want to use for the back piece.
D ESIGN CONTINUED ……. By placing the different colored metal on the back, your negative space starts to stand out and becomes a different color. Add Texture to the back piece.
C OLD CONNECTIONS Add rivets to keep the two pieces together. Rivets are small metal tubes or wire that hold metal together without soldering. (cold connection)
R EQUIREMENTS Must use 90% of cut metal squares given. Must incorporate: positive/negative space, rivets, clasp for neck piece, and 2 different metals. Design and sketch is to be checked off by Mrs. P before gathering materials.
S AWING P ROCESS When done correctly: relaxed and rhythmic Muscles are loose and fluid. Steps: Hold the work piece flat and steady on a bench pin Be sure the blade is tightly strung in the frame. The teeth of the blade must point toward the handle. Saw with the blade at a right angle to the work piece. Keep the hand that holds the saw frame relaxed.
B LADE I NSERTION Clamp one end of the blade in place. Lean the frame against the bench, add pressure to slightly collapse frame. Slide the loose end of the blade into place and tighten. When you release tension, the frame will spring back and put tension on the blade. Flick the blade to hear a high pitched “ping”.