Color and Light
Physical Properties of Light Physical properties is one of many different ways light can be classified/understood. Aesthetic Psychological Physiological Physical Laws and Quantification Light can be defined a ‘visually evaluated radiant energy’.
Spectrum of Visible Light White light is broken into component colors when it is refracted through a prism.
Light as Radiant Energy Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum Visible Light Infrared Ultraviolet Note that the eye is more sensitive to certain wavelengths or colors of light.
Mixing Color Additive (Light) Primaries Red, Green and Blue Additive Secondary Yellow, Cyan, and Magenta Subtractive (Pigment) Primaries Yellow, Cyan, and Magenta Subtractive Secondary Red, Green and Blue
Additive (Light) Color Mixing ‘White’ Light ‘White’ Light Made from Red, Blue and Yellow Light Sources
Additive (Light) Color Mixing Blue Light Green Light Blue and Green Light Red Light
Selective Absorption of Light Color is seen when a material reflects selective wavelengths of light. White is seen when a material reflects all of the wavelengths of a white light source. When most of the light is reflected back at you
Color is seen when a material reflects selective wavelengths of light. White is seen when a material reflects most of the wavelengths of a white light source. (White surfaces absorb 10-15% of the light.) When most of the light is absorbed by a material the color will be perceived as black. (Black reflects 10-15% of the light.) Selective Absorption of Light
CRI Color Rendering Index CRI Indicates how well an objects colors are rendered by a light source. Similar sources are compared to a set of eight specific colors. The better the source the higher CRI. Scale of Very good. A high CRI does not guarantee that all colors will be rendered well under the source. The CRI is just and indication that the source has a large range of color rendering.
CRI Color Rendering Index To ensure that colors and materials chosen for architectural interiors will render well they must be chosen under the light source that the will be installed. Colors can appear different under different light sources. Represents the relative color temperature of a light source. Heated black body source compared to light sources. Cool or Warm
CRI Color Rendering Index Daylight IncandescentFluorescent HID - Mercury
CCT Correlated Color Temperature
Where may you want a warm color source? Where may you what a cool color source?
Application of Light and Color E.F Hauserman Showroom Display of Office Partitions Express forward thinking and commitment to art and experimentation. Dan Flavin
E.F Hauserman Showroom Dan Flavin
E.F Hauserman Showroom Dan Flavin
E.F Hauserman Showroom Dan Flavin
E.F Hauserman Showroom Dan Flavin
E.F Hauserman Showroom Dan Flavin