Congenital Abnormalities of the Female Reproductive Tract by Ekaterina Tchmoutina R1 3/11/2015
Female Reproductive Tract Embryology XX – barr body (X inactivation), lack of SRY gene (development of ovary) Wollfian – mesonephric – remnants in female Mullerian - paramesonephric ovary – genital ridge + primordial germ cells Tubes, Uterus, Cervix, upper 1/3 vagina – paramesonephric ducts fuse Lower 2/3 Vagina – sinovaginal bulb (from urogenital sinus) meets paramesonephric duct
Hermaphrodites true hermaphrodite – ovotestes, ambiguous external genitalia; 70% XX; pseudohermaphrodite – genetic sex opposite of phenotypic CAH – masculinized females Androgen Insensitivity – feminized males
Genetic Syndromes Swyer Syndrome = XY gonadal dysgenesis – point mutation of SRY gene – no oocytes/testes – phenotypic female w/o ovulation & menses and secondary sex characteristics Turner Syndrome – 45 X0 – increased oocyte loss streak ovary, short stature, webbed neck, renal & cardiac (coarctation of Ao) anomalies
Female Reproductive Tract Embryology - 2 Mesonephric Remnants – epoophoron, paraophoron, Gartner’s cyst
External Genitalia Development genital tubercle – clitoris urogenital sinus – vestibule + lower 2/3 vagina urethral fold – labia minora genital swelling – labia majora
Clitoral Anomalies normal clitoris – 1-1.5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide enlarged +/- partial development of penile urethra +/- labial fusion = androgen stimulation in utero (female) or androgen insensitivity (male) bifid +/- anterior rotation & shortening of vagina + vaginal fusion – extrophy of bladder
CAH Pathway
CAH Pathway
CAH Treatment
Labial Fusion exposure to exogenous androgens CAH – 22-hydroxylase, 11-hydroxylase, 3-βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiencies Tx dexamethasone qd
Imperforate Hymen hymen = junction of sinovaginal bulbs with urogenital sinus becomes perforate in utero 1 : 1000 types: imcomplete, septate, cribriform, microperforate Sg/Sx: bulging membrane at introitus, amenorrhea, hydro/muco/hematocolpos, hematometra Tx: cruciate, triangular, oval incision
Mullerian agenesis = Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome absence of vagina and uterus (+/- rudimentary uterine horns) 1/4,000 – 10,000 75 % no vagina, 25% short vagina ovaries normal, Fallopian tubes present 50% w/ urinary tract anomalies: 12% skeletal abnormalities Sx/Sg: primary amenorrhea, vaginal agenesis Tx: vaginal dilators, vaginal reconstruction (Abbe-McIndoe), neovagina (labial skin graft)
Androgen insensitivity syndrome = Testicular Feminization 46 XY faulty testosterone R’s Mullerian structures Vaginal agenesis no pubic hair Tx: remove testes after growth spurt to avoid gonadoblastoma
Transverse Vaginal Septum Mullerian tubercle = joining of mullerian ducts w/ sinovaginal bulbs incomplete canalization at mullerian tubercle (at junction of upper 1/3 and lower 2/3 of vagina) 1-2 cm thick 1/75,000 associated w/ DES Sx/Sg: mucocolpos, mucometrium, hematocolpos/metrium, foul smelling discharge Tx: dilatation/excision
Vaginal Adenosis poor demarkation of mullerian vs sinovaginal junction invasion of mullerian ducts into sinovaginal area adenosis (submucosal) DES exposure
Mullerian Development from clefts b/w mesonephros & gonads caudal & lateral to mesonephric ducts grow caudally and meet in midline at Mullerian tubercle (junction with sinovaginal bulbs) Stage 1 (wk 10) – medial aspects of caudal portions fuse (starting in middle & proceeding in both dir’ns) septum Stage 2 (wk 10-13) – rapid midline cell proliferation thick upper septum; lower portion on the median septum resorbed rostrally to caudally Stage 3 (wk 13-20) – degeneration of upper uterine septum
Vaginal Development from sinovaginal bulbs (outgrowth of urogenital sinus) cord canalization beginning at hymen and ending at cervix canalization ends at wk 21
Associated Abnormalities depends on timing of teratogenesis specific to stage of development uterine didelphys – after mesonephric development – no renal anomalies communicating uteri w/ atretic hemivagina or w/ hemicervix ipsilateral renal agenesis
Mullerian Fusion Abnormalities polygenic/multifactorial 37% - bicornuate 28% - arcuate 11% - didelphys 9% - complete septum 4% - unicornuate
Mullerian Fusion Abnormalities
Mullerian Fusion Abnormalities - 2 Sx/Sg: tampons do not obstruct uterine flow cyclic abdominal pain w/ fluid/mass in vagina/abdomen recurrent miscarriage – esp early 2nd trimester abnormal uterine activity in labor abnormal fetal presentation Dx: SOH, HSG, Hysteroscopy, US (not diagnostic), MRI concurrent evaluation of urinary tract is indicated
Absent Uterus & Cervix +/- Fallopian tubes & some fibrous tissue 50 % associated w/ urinary tract anomalies
Unicornuate Uterus from destruction of Mullerian duct on one side absence of kidney/ureter on same side fallopian tube on the present side ovary on the opposite side Sg/Sx: recurrent prego loss
Mullerian Fusion Abnormalities - 3 Tx (goal to improve fertility) Metroplasty – laparotomy wedge resection of septum with uterine reaproximation Hysteroscopic septal resection +/- concurrent laparoscopy (avoids adhesions infertility) post op IUD for 30 ds +/- 1.25 mcg/day conjugated E evaluation for cervical competency in pregnancy
Ovarian Abnormalities Accessory Ovary 1/93,000 excess tissue near and connected to normal ovary Supernumerary Ovary 1/29,000 omentum, retroperitoneal dermoid cysts Ovotestes true hermaphrodite testes – malignant transformation, closer to groin remove at puberty ovaries – gonadoblastoma, dysgerminoma
References Lentz, GM. 2012. Comprehensive Gynecology. Sixth Edition. Chapter 11 – Congenital Abnormalities of the Female Reproductive Tract. Mosby, Elsevier Inc.; 187-198. Yin, Aidi. Med School Embryology Lecture