Pre-Proposal Conference February 27 th, :30 PM Teresa Deaton-Reese, IDOA Senior Account Manager Comprehensive Medical Services for the Department of Correction Request for Proposal 13-51
Agenda General Information Purpose & Scope of RFP Key Dates Proposal Preparation & Evaluation Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Question and Answer Session
General Information Sign-In Sheet Sign-In Sheet and PowerPoint will be posted on IDOA’s Solicitation Website Any questions answered verbally today or during the site visits are not official and should be submitted in writing if it will affect your response.
Purpose of the RFP The purpose of this RFP is to select a Vendor who can satisfy the State’s need for comprehensive medical services for approximately 28,000 offenders located in twenty (20) adult correctional facilities, five (5) juvenile facilities, and follow up behavioral and substance abuse treatment for parolees reporting to nine (9) parole offices throughout the State. In addition to accepting proposals for all services, the RFP will allow Respondents to submit proposals for just one or more of the following services categories: Dental; Mental Health; and Substance Abuse. It is the intent of the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) to enter into a per diem or capitation contract with either a single vendor, or several vendors in the aggregate, to provide medical services to offenders under the custody of the Indiana Department of Correction.
Scope of RFP Contractor shall provide the following services under the contract: Full Comprehensive Medical Service and Specialized Services (e.g. substance abuse, dental and mental health) – Approximately 28,000 offenders 25 Correctional Facilities and 9 parole offices throughout Indiana 20 Adult and 5 juvenile facilities The services to be provided include: Health and Behavioral Health Staff On-Site Medical Services On-Site Mental/Behavioral Health Services Addiction Recovery On-Site Dental Services (for all facilities) Pharmacy Services Electronic Health Record Management Offsite Care Administrative Responsibilities Other Service Categories The contract shall be for a period of three years from the date of last signature. There may be up to two (2) three (3) year renewals for a total of nine (9) years.
Key Dates ActivityDate Issue of RFP January 25, 2013 Site Visits Week of February 18 th -22nd Pre-Proposal Conference February 27, 1:30PM Deadline to Submit Written Questions (Submit to March 4, 3:00PM Response to Written Questions/ RFP Amendments March 11, 2013 Submission of Proposals March 25, 3:00PM
Proposal Preparation Attachment C-Indiana Economic Impact Definition of FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) –Example: If a Respondent has 5 full time employees and is bidding on its 5 th contract, and all contracts get an equal amount of commitment from the employees then each employee commits 20% of his or her time to the new contract: 0.2 x 5 employees= 1 FTE. Attachment D-Cost Proposal –return in Excel
Business Proposal (Attachment E) Company Financial Information (Section 2.3.3) –Confidential information must be kept separate from the proposal in both hard and soft copy Contract Terms (Section 2.3.5) –Respondent should review sample State contract (attachment B) and note exceptions to State mandatory and non-mandatory clauses in Transmittal Letter
Technical Proposal (Attachment F) Please use the Template we have provided for you. Where appropriate, supporting documentation may be referenced. Please make sure to label any documentation you provide
Cost Proposal (Attachment D) The Cost Proposal Template is Attachment D and should be completed by each Respondent. The Respondent’s cost score will be based on the proposed fixed price of per diem per offenders. (a daily cost per offender). Proposed price per offender must be inclusive of all costs and services proposed. Break out and list each cost used to determine the proposed per diem rate BASELINE - $9.84 per offender – Total Three (3) contract - $100,564,800
Proposal Evaluation Criteria Points 1. Adherence to Mandatory RequirementsPass/Fail 2. Management Assessment/Quality (Business and Technical Proposal) 30 points 3. Cost (Cost Proposal) -25 to +25 available points (5 bonus points are available if certain criteria is met) 4. Indiana Economic Impact15 5. Buy Indiana10 6. Minority (10) and Women Business (10) Subcontractor Commitment 20 (2 bonus points are available if certain criteria is met) Total100 (107 if bonus awarded)
Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Goals for Proposal - 8% Minority Business Enterprise - 8% Women’s Business Enterprise Complete Attachment A, MWBE Form - Include sub-contractor letters of commitment - Put total and percentage amounts - Commitment letter and form must match - Letters of commitment to be addressed to primes, not IDOA
Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Prime Contractors must ensure that the proposed subcontractors meet the following criteria: Must be listed on the IDOA Directory of Certified Firms Each firm may only serve as once classification – MBE or WBE A Prime Contractor who is an MBE or WBE must meet subcontractor goals by using other listed certified firms. Certified Prime Contractors cannot count their own workforce or companies to meet this requirement. Must serve a commercially useful function. The firm must serve a value- added purpose on the engagement. Must provide goods or service only in the industry area for which it is certified as listed in the directory at Must be used to provide the goods or services specific to the contract National Corporate Diversity Plans are generally not acceptable
Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises TOTAL BID AMOUNT:
Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Effective May, 2011, a new MWBE scoring methodology will be utilized for all RFP’s released New Process – MWBE scoring is conducted based on 20 points plus a possible 2 bonus points scale - MBE: Possible 10 points + 1 bonus point - WBE: Possible 10 points + 1 bonus Point Professional Services Scoring Methodology: - The points will be awarded on the following schedule: - Fractional percentages will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole percentage - Submissions of 0% participation will result in a deduction of 1 point in each category - The highest submission which exceeds the goal in each category will receive 11 points (10 points plus 1 bonus point). In case of a tie both firms will receive 11 points %1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8% Pts
Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises BidderMBE %Pts.WBE %Pts.Total Pts. Bidder 112.0% % Bidder 26.0%7.54.0% Bidder 38.0% % Bidder 416.0% %10.0 Bidder 50.0%0.0%-2.0 RFP MWBE Scoring Example
Questions and Answers
Thank You