2014 年 10 月 13 日 : Agenda Do Now: Socrative Character Presentation Review: numbers Review: family Dates
Number Practice
Activity : Ask Questions about Family Trees 你的家有几个人? (nǐ de jiā yǒu jǐgè rén) 我的家有 … 个人 (wǒ de jiā yǒu… rén) 你的家有几个爸爸 / 妈妈 / 哥哥 / 弟 弟 / 姐姐 / 妹妹 ?
“Secret Age” Game
Activity : Ask Questions about Family Trees 你的爸爸几岁?( jǐ suì ) 你的妈妈几岁? 你的哥哥几岁? 你的弟弟几岁? 你的姐姐几岁? 你的妹妹几岁 ?
游戏 : (yóu xì=game) “ 青蛙跳! ” (q ī ng w ā =frog) Everyone sit in a circle. Count numbers in Chinese. Every multiple of 5 is a frog. Hop up and down and say “ 呱呱 (gu ā gu ā )” instead of the number. If you get a number wrong, start over.
游戏 : (yóu xì=game) “ 青蛙跳! ” (q ī ng w ā =frog) Let’s play the game with days, months, and years. Day = 号 (hào) Month = 月 (yuè) Year = 年 (nián) – 2001 = 二〇〇一年 – 2002 = 二〇〇二年
Two teams One leader from each team stands at the front. Help your leader guess the date on the board: -can’t say the date -must use Chinese and/or physical movements Whichever team guesses the date first gets a point! 游戏: (yóu xì=game) “Back to the Board”
二〇一三年 游戏: (yóu xì=game)
2014 年 10 月 14 日 : Agenda Character Presentation Review: numbers and dates Birthdays Skritter Character Book? + Quiz?
Two teams One leader from each team stands at the front. Help your leader guess the date on the board: -can’t say the date -must use Chinese and/or physical movements Whichever team guesses the date first gets a point! 游戏: (yóu xì=game) “Back to the Board”
Csilla’s birthday 游戏: (yóu xì=game)
几月几号? = What’s the date? 年月号 niányuèhào #year#month#day
你的 生日 是几月 几号?
Key Word shēng rì (noun); birthday 生日
你的 生日 是几月 几号? Write your birthday on an index card like this : _____ 年 _____ 月 _____ 号 Write your name
游戏 : (yóu xì=game) “ 我是谁? ” (shéi=who) Figure out who you are by asking these questions: – Q: 我的生日是几月几 号 ? >>> A: 你的生 日是 … – Q: 我是 [name] 吗? >>> A: 是 / 不是 Only Chinese!
Birthday Dragon Based on your cards, get into a line. Youngest birthday to oldest birthday. Use this question: – Q: 你的生日是几月几号 ? Only Chinese!
2014 年 10 月 16 日 : Agenda Character Presentation The Skritter Challenge Handwriting Quiz? Vocab Review ? Character book? Exit Slip: Socrative
Why Skritter? Complaint: I don’t like Skritter Skritter in my life is not very useful I prefer to use Quizlet Complaint: I don’t like using Skritter on Friday/Weekends The grade should be for a 5 minute average per day for the week. Skritter should be able to be made up -Do you agree with these complaints? -Why do I want you to use Skritter every day?
CRAMMING DOESN’T WORK Studies show that college learning Chinese only remember 39 % of the characters they've learned!
SPACED REPETITION It’s way easier to remember words if you review them again and again, over a long period of time. With SPACED REPETITION, students remember 90% of all the Chinese words they’ve learned.
Skritter: I’m too busy Time Management: Jar of Time Rocks: things that take up BIG chunks of time Pebbles: things that up MEDIUM chunks of time Sand: things that take LITTLE chunks of time (“small grains of time”) Water: super TINY tasks
The rocks in my life represent anything that has to do with school (especially including Skritter). School is my #1 priority at this time in life for me. The sand is stuff like putting classroom materials on my desk before a class, or brushing my teeth. My pebbles are to do well in sports. The water is all the moments I spend in my life. Rocks: overcoming procrastination Pebbles: Maintaining good relationships with my family and friends. Sand: Sleep and free-time Rocks: Homework and other academic activities TLDR: You are not busy to use Skritter every day
Skritter: “a small grain of time” Where are the “small grains of time” in your daily life? Which small grain can you put Skritter into? >grain 1: 5 minutes before bed >grain 2: 5 minutes right after dinner >grain 3: 5 minutes when I go into the bathroom >grain 4: 5 minutes at the start of my free period
Skritter: I forgot What are some solutions for forgetting? Video: The Power of Habit WHAT IS A HABIT? Cue Routine/Behavior Reward Let’s create a study habit for Skritter…
Skritter: Cue Some ideas: I have an alarm after dinner to do skritter I posted a note next to my bed so that I can remember before I go to sleep. I will write in my planner I will put an alarm on my iPad Ultimate cue: ON YOUR HAND A good cue is… > Always at the same time and place > Super obvious What’s your cue?
Skritter: Routine
Skritter: Reward
The Skritter Challenge 1.Create a study habit for Skritter 2.Use Skritter as many days in a row as you can 5 days in a row: candy 10 days in a row: more candy 20 days in a row: trinket 30 days in a row: secret prize 3. Competition: the person in the class who uses Skritter the most per week wins a secret prize.
Handwriting Quiz Each word you write is worth 1 point. Must include English meaning. Total of 10 points. You have 5 minutes. Write any of the following: Numbers from 1-10 Radicals Family words Extra Credit: write more words Extra Credit: include pinyin with tones
Handwriting Quiz Numbers: 一,二,三,四,五, 六,七,八,九,十 Family words: 爸爸,妈妈,哥哥, 弟弟,姐姐,妹妹 Radicals: see vocab list