Leadership – The Big Picture Earl, Watson, Levin, Leithwood, Fullan, & Torrance (2003) “Watching & Learning 3: final report of the external evaluation of England's national literacy and numeracy strategies.” External pressure and support Leadership to establish a vision, commitment and sustainability Build local expertise / infastructure Time for consolidation Capacity to adapt & refine practice
Get the Basics Right Fullan, M. (2005) “Leadership & Sustainability: System Thinkers in Action.” Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Raise literacy & numeracy Raise the bar and close the gaps Emphasis on literacy & numeracy in middle and high schools Develop powerful strategies to foster deep learning
Numeracy Leadership Spillane, J.(2005). "Primary school leadership practice: how the subject matters." School Leadership and Management 25(4): pp Literacy featured in 54% of meetings supported by positional and distributed leadership 80% -core to the curriculum 83% of leaders thought literacy supported other subjects 80% of leaders felt that the school had internal expertise in literacy Numeracy featured in 14% of meetings supported by distributed leadership 83% -core to the curriculum 17% of leaders thought mathematics supported other subjects 13% of leaders felt that the school had internal expertise in maths
Professional Leadership Frances Salt: ERO & Numeracy August 2005 Is there strong curriculum leadership in mathematics? Does the leader keep abreast of new developments? Is the leader enthusiastic and able to inspire others?
Professional Leadership Cont’d Frances Salt: ERO & Numeracy August 2005 Is there consistent practice in numeracy teaching school-wide? How will the numeracy project be sustained and staff kept up to date? How will new staff be up skilled and mentored?
Case Study Demographics Decile 3 Semi- rural Lower North Island 10 classroom teachers Male principal
Case Study Staff meeting lead by the Principal Designing the tool -Senior Staff/Facilitator Class Observations – Lead Teacher/Facilitator Feedback sessions - Lead Teacher/Facilitator Goal setting – Lead Teacher Support Shifts in teacher practice The Rolls Royce version of observation & feedback!
Modified from a presentation by John Edwards DREYFUS MODEL OF SKILL ACQUISITION Basis For Action Novice Rule Governed Behaviour PPK Read the Context BeginnerProficientCompetentExpert
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEARNING Modified from a presentation by John Edwards time L + clear understood flows confusion frustration angst L - THE PIT
Optimising Observation Purpose for the observation is clear Relationship of trust Deciding on the tool Feedback Follow-up and support 10% change is sustainable
Lead Teacher Role 1.Communication 2.Support 3.Resources 4.Leadership 5.Over view
Johari Window (adrianwalsh.co) feedback self disclosure
Teacher Evaluation
Considerations Culture Achievement Data Resources Leadership Observation Tool Questions & Evaluation