VISION It’s not just about wireless laptops... It’s not just about pedagogical and curricular change...
ELEMENTS OF TECH-KNOW-BUILD Bridge Digital Divide with Laptops & Internet Problem-Based Learning with Local Content Align Standards, Curriculum, & Assessment Boosting Student Achievement Build 21 st Century Skills Community & Parent Involvement Technology Literacy for Administrators
Tech-Know-Build Teaching Indiana Students to Build with Technology Saul Rockman Kathy Keck Jeff McMahon Christopher Mathews
EXPECTATIONS Administrators Students Teachers
ALLIANCES Parents Community Higher Education Indiana & Purdue University Content Providers Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) Business ACER, Apple, Polar, St. Clare Hospital, &Time Warner
TRAINING APPROACH & SUPPORT STRUCTURE Distributed vs. Systemic Training Summer Training Institute Paper & Online Resources Fall, Winter, & Spring Apple Trainers Semester University Courses Release Time & Substitutes After-school Trainings In-class Technical & Curricular Assistants Informal Master Teacher Assistance
TECHNOLOGY & PBL Transparent Technology Teacher as Facilitator/Coach Real World Applications & Authentic Problems
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Mandatory Parent Orientations ANGEL Community Trainings Parent Trainings Senior Trainings Technology Showcase PBL Celebrations
CHALLENGES Indianapolis Parent Involvement Teacher Retention Scaling Laptop Care Maintenance Security Sustainability Crawfordsville Parent Involvement Teacher Retention Administrative Distributed Training ISP/Internal network NIMDA Virus Sustainability
LESSONS LEARNED Administrative Leadership Technology Literacy for Administrators Give Laptops to Staff Early Mandatory Student Orientation Student/Parent Agreement Reshaping Professional Development Involve all Levels of School Staff
MORE TO SHARE Personal Ownership=Greater Care Carrying Cases Certified Repair Technicians Sustained, Ongoing Support Server Space PBL as a Process Locker Storage
EVALUATION Teachers and their Teaching Students School Climate Community Members and Parents
THINGS TEACHERS SAY.. “I am avoiding ‘the teacher in front of the class’ scenario. By making the assignments more student centered, each student needs to produce and be actively involved in thinking and writing.” “The problem for me is to show them that both are essential skills [technology and traditional] because it’s somewhat of a fight … I’m struggling with classroom management issues and so everything else is like okay I’ve got to bite off a little of what I can chew and take it from there but I think its all good its just a matter of time.”
THINGS STUDENTS SAY… “Well basically the computer is like my friend. I’ve used it a lot and I’ve learned a lot of different things about teachers use me a lot on the computers, I am always fixing computers, printers, and things. That makes me feel good when I can do things the teacher can’t.” “It scares me, when we get off the bus and have to walk home with the laptop.”
PARENTS… “What excites me is that she’ll bring the computer home and teach me how to operate it.” “Having the chance to learn and operate technology that they will be using as adults out in the world. This is truly preparing our children for college and beyond!” “This project has given us more of an opportunity to learn alongside our son. It also gives us more access to communicate with teachers and administrators.”
FINDINGS Faster, Easier, More Efficient Increased Self- Efficacy Higher Quality Collegiality Increased Experimentation/Creativity More Effective Communication & Organizational Skills Greater Awareness of the Community/World Greater Follow-up from Training/Application in the Classroom Administrative Support Varies