Issues and Ethics By Amy Jester
Copyright Copyright is the author's exclusive right to reproduce and prepare derivative works, distribute copies, and publicly perform and display their works (according to The Learning Page).The Learning Page Works that are Public Domain are not copyrighted. An example would be works created by government employees as part of their jobs. In general, copyright last the lifetime of the author plus 70 years. Just because there is no copyright symbol that does not mean the work is not copyrighted. Most things are copyrighted from the moment they are written. It is safest to assume things are copyrighted.
Fair Use Fair use is an exception to the exclusive protection of copyright under American law. It permits certain limited uses without permission from the author or owner. Depending on the circumstances, copying may be considered "fair" for the purpose of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship or research (according to The Learning Page).The Learning Page To evaluate if something is being used in fair use, four factors must be considered: purpose of use, nature of work, amount used, and effect on the market.
Digital Divide Digital divide refers to the gap between people with effective access to technology and those without it. Students tend to know more about the Internet and technology than their teachers do. There is also a gap between students who do have computers at home and those who don’t. Using technology to do an assignment when it is not necessary can be a hindrance to the learning process. According to, ending digital divide is the answering to ending poverty, terrorism, and achieving sustainable world,
Digital Divide Girls are less likely to like computer games or the technical focus of computer science. Students taking the computer science Advanced Placement exam (yearly average) Males: 83% Females: 17% Received a computer science/engineering bachelor's degree (1995) Males: 75% Females: 25% Received a computer science/engineering doctorate degree (1995) Males: 89% Females: 11% Currently holding a job in information technology* Males: 80% Females: 20% (Stats from Tech Bridge says that girls are interested in math and science and a young age but then they loose interest. They feel it is because computer programs are made more for boys.
Internet Safety Schools and divisions are required to establish guidelines for appropriate technology use. These guidelines generally are called acceptable use policies (AUP). By definition, an AUP is a written agreement signed by students, their parents/caregivers, and their teachers. It outlines the terms and conditions for using technology- based devices maintained by schools and personal technology-based devices used during school hours on school property. (From Acceptable internet use policy of Virginia)Acceptable internet use policy Names should never be used on the Internet to protect the identity of the student. It is discouraged that students use their pictures on the Internet. If they do, they should be written permission from their parents. School and classroom webpages should only use acceptable content, which is defined in the school’s AUP. Personally identifiable student information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and by state privacy laws.
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