ifip The e-Change Puzzle Dealing with the e-Change Puzzle: Professional working method Personal level: What competencies? Organisation level: Key success factors Project level: Lifelong Learning Environment
Information:design domain solutions Intellect: research conceptual models Interaction: advise stakeholders and users Organisation: organise the solution process Knowledge worker: Key competencies Apply IC-Technology
Knowledge worker: Key competencies
Knowledge worker: Reflection at the hart Reflectiveness: the hart of key competences (DeSeCo) Do Check Reflect Plan Do Check Reflect Plan Information Intellect Interaction Organisation
Knowledge worker: Reflection at the hart Reflectiveness: the hart of key competences (DeSeCo)
Intellect: Researcher Information:Designer Interaction: Adviser Organisation: Organiser Knowledge worker: Key competencies Application of tehcnology Knowledge worker
Knowledge worker: Key competencies 1. Use tools interactively 1.A Interact with language & symbols 1.B Interact with knowledge & information 1.C Interact with technology 2. Interact in heterogeneous groups 2.A Relate to others 2.B Cooperate 2.C Manage and resolve conflicts 3. Act autonomously 3.A Act within big picture 3.B Form plans and conduct personal projects 3.C Assert rights, interests, limits and needs OECD DeSeCo-project
Knowledge worker: Key competencies Researcher 1.A Interact with language & symbols Designer 1.B Interact with knowledge & information Adviser 2.A Relate to others 2.B Cooperate 2.C Manage and resolve conflicts Organiser 3.A Act within big picture 3.B Form plans and conduct personal projects 3.C Assert rights, interests, limits and needs OECD DeSeCo-project 1.C Interact with technology
New professional: Knowledge worker Knowledge application on the job Learning on the job Knowledge creation on the job
New professional: Knowledge worker
Knowledge worker: Learning on the job
Knowledge worker: Learning on the job Reflectiveness: the hart of key competences
Knowledge worker: Learning on the job Gate: Concretising intentions into plans Bridge: Putting plans into action Window: Picking up experiences and feedback information Skin: Letting experiences and feedback influence frame of reference
Knowledge worker: Learning on the job Skin: Letting experiences and feedback influence frame of reference
Use of knowledge To do better Learning on the job To innovate Creation of knowledge Sharing of knowledge ICT integrated, learning organisation Lifelong Learning Dealing with the E-change puzzle
Knowledge worker: Learning on the job Juch’s circle Learning in action Deming’s circle Evolutionary working method
ifip The e-Change Puzzle Dealing with the e-Change Puzzle: Professional working method Personal level: What competencies? Organisation level: Key success factors Project level: Lifelong Learning Environment
Lifelong Learning for professionals and students: How to learn, while dealing with the e-Change Puzzle?
The e-Change Puzzle Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva e-Change issues : 1. Technology evolution 2. Social aspects/impacts 3. Digital Divide – Inequity 4. Sustainable development 5. Access for all 6. Trust and Confidence 7. Privacy and Data protection 8. Misuse - Ethics – Deontology 9. ….
Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva A.Economy B.Security and confidence C.Democratic opinion and media D.e-Government E.Education F.Culture G.Health H.…. Domains affected by e-Change
Lifelong Learning domain: The full e-Change Puzzle